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Alien vs Predator demo comes out tomorrow!



  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    I believe what you're looking for is team deathmatch, which could be all from race-based to mixed races :)

    you have to discard the notion that you're friends with your own race.
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    They really need some kind of objective based L4D mode.

    Infact, I'd drop all other MP games if this did it, and did it well, even with all of its flaws :P
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    Just wait for the real game.

    The demo is a disappointment to those that don't have the time to invest to properly learn everything, while trying to do it in the chaotic and pointless free for all mode.
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    more fun than i thought it was gonna be. but im really disappointed its multilayer only. i would have liked 20mn of single player goodness...
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Seems like the DX11 mode is a bit... Well, pointless:

    Daniel – How much dx11 features is in the game? Like is everything using tesselation and how does it affect performance if using a radeon HD5850 Card?
    Tim Jones- DirectX 11 has dynamic tesselation on the Aliens, full-screen anti-aliasing, numerous performance benefits and support for multiple monitors amongst other features. It’s a great way to show off the power of your state-of-the-art PC setup!
  • vcool
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    It's definitely useless, but hey, we gotta start somewhere.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Anybody playing the full game...?

    In a word... Fail.

    Theres a damn good game under all this mess, thats for sure. I see it shine through, and smile... But then BASIC shit that any moran could fix pops up, says high, and ruins it for you... Buggy, slow, poorly coded, damn awful design choices (Glass spec on the marines skin? Predator sounds like a bank manager?)...

    Its not a BAD game in SP... Its just it feels like they made a damn good game and forgot the really basic stuff, so it feels poor. The UI is just as terrible as always, and they lied about not being ble to turn off motion blur etc...

    I would wait for this to hit 20 quid before buying it on 360. I'm playing the PC release ATM with 360 pad. With PC controls, its just terrible...
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    played the demo for a few minutes, felt slugish and slow using hte alien made me motion sick, its jump and stick mechanics were not apealing. tried a predator and it seemed slow and clumsy . i almost purchased it, glad i checked the demo first
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    I dont know why the keep using motion blur on things, we dont have motion bur. I hate it in every game, but at least with something like Team Fortress, it just blurs it slightly, this they've ramped it all the way up. I know why they've done it, because it happens with the cameras in aliens, and they think it adds to the atmosphere.

    I've seen a few gameplay vids on youtube and the campaigns look really uninspired. I didnt expect much but they havent got the details, you can tell its a game thats been thrown together with no thought.
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    I had high hopes for the game. but reviews say it sux. :(
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Its not a bad game as such, single player wise... Its more a good game in a terrible package... If you can get around the fact it feels like it was made on a shoestring budget by devs who didn't know what next gen was, then you will enjoy it... But for me, atm, I want to enjoy it, but the pausing and stuttering has gotten so bad I've had to turn it off... Out of five minutes play time, half of it was looking at a paused screen while the game loads... Baaaaaaaaaaaad memory management...
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Wish i never tried the demo, this game blows pretty bad and ruined some of the memories of one of my favorite FPS's. Brings nothing new to the table gameplay wise from what i've seen in the demo, which in my opinion makes it a poor attempt at a demo.

    What were they thinking? This game is horrible in all respects, graphics are sub par, menus and load screens have horrible aesthetics, the one map in the demo was terribly confusing and repetitive and the gameplay has actually been simplified to fit a controller.

    Seriously, F this game. Don't play the demo, save your time and your childhood memories of the original.
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    I always find it peculiar that it's the people that dislike things that make up the majority of the posts.

    People that love it don't post because they're too busy playing than complaining ;)

    I, on the other hand, am happy with the full version of the game. Movement should not be sluggish. Turn off V-sync and enable Remove Mouse Lag. General movement has a slight use of momentum which some would consider sluggish movement. That is something that took some getting used to, but no longer bothers me.

    The graphics hold together pretty well and the gameplay is 100x more fun than the demo. Species DM, Infestation, and Predator Hunt are a blast. It is unfortunate the PC version didn't ship with the dedicated server browser as they promised. Supposedly it will have a beta release on Saturday.

    I agree with the comment about waiting for the game to go on sale. This game needs more polish to be worth $50, but if it goes on sale for $35 or so, buy it.
  • vcool
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    Yeah I am waiting for a sale.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    sale is on steam 33% off so I got it. I cant get it to run in anything other than dx 9 mode and I have vista and a geforce 260 so I dont understand
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    Ged wrote: »
    sale is on steam 33% off so I got it. I cant get it to run in anything other than dx 9 mode and I have vista and a geforce 260 so I dont understand
    AFAIK, the 260 isn't a DX11 card.

    I think the game's either DX9 or DX11.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Actually if you run the DX11 exe with a DX10 card in Vista or Windows 7 then it defaults to DX10 mode, so just without the tesselation on the aliens really.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Nvidia dont have any DX11 cards yet do they?

    I know the imminent fermi will, and have heard some stuff about rebranding, but dont think they are able to be full DX11.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    odium wrote: »
    Actually if you run the DX11 exe with a DX10 card in Vista or Windows 7 then it defaults to DX10 mode, so just without the tesselation on the aliens really.

    yeah I was expecting it to run in dx10 mode it gets to the menu but it just crashes there with the words half written :( dx9 looks alright I guess theres not much difference
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