Im trying to move my mirrored pieces of UVW to occupy the same space but -1. Im using maya 8.5 and I could line them up by eye - but I want to get it exactly right, is there a translate / move feature im missing somewhere ?
It's been a long time, can't remember how I found it. I'm pretty sure the script window returns the same command when using the move tool. The documention has a full list of commands, makes for nice bedtime reading.
Place the contents into:
And assign them in Maya via the hotkey editor. (I'm using a and s) And my 'generic' set I originally yoinked from someone before tweaking it, probably came from here.
Glad to help You'll get farther with the marking menu, aside from freeing up a hotkey. I've set up movement in 4 directions at one or half, along with some scale and flip options. Useful for if you need to jump a shell back into place especially.
There's another way which doesn't involve plugging in the command, although all it's doing is running that command, polyMoveUV.
Select the shells you want to move and go to Edit Mesh>Transform Component (this tool in infinitely helpful). With the shells selected you should have the channel editor inputs for translate UV and scale, so you move -1 in U. And if you wanted to hotkey that you would do exactly what you already did. So basically this is redundant, but you never know who might stumble upon this from google!
You'll need to fill in the values accordingly. I have a simple marking menu for UV editing if you want it.
That marking menu would be awesome thanks!
Where do I find polyEditUV ? Im a maya n00b (8 years in cushioned max :P)
Place the contents into:
And assign them in Maya via the hotkey editor. (I'm using a and s) And my 'generic' set I originally yoinked from someone before tweaking it, probably came from here.
As I was bungling about with the command from your first post I managed to setup a hotkey with the following:
polyEditUV -relative true -uValue -1 -vValue 0 ;
This will shift any uv shell 1 unit into negative U space!
NICE thanks for your help man! Success!
Select the shells you want to move and go to Edit Mesh>Transform Component (this tool in infinitely helpful). With the shells selected you should have the channel editor inputs for translate UV and scale, so you move -1 in U. And if you wanted to hotkey that you would do exactly what you already did. So basically this is redundant, but you never know who might stumble upon this from google!
Btw, in Maya they aren't UVW's; just UV's.