Hello I was wondering if someone can poiint to a detailed tutorial on how to make a new plant for crysis , I woul dlike to learn the things like root object link , dummy and all this stuff described in the asset creation that I am actually having no clue on what's talking about , I can model and texture but I dunno what else I have to do to make it work ....
any idea?
GPU Gems 3: Vegetation Procedural Animation and Shading in Crysis
I've never modelled vegetation for Crysis, but from what I've heard setting it up to behave like Crytek's vegetation can be a pain.
I'm pretty sure I've seen a similar thread on Crymod a while ago; you might want to look it up, there was some good info in there.
Furthermore, Vanity Assassin over there, has been doing some really sick vegetation models, you might want to read his thread http://crymod.com/thread.php?threadid=48569 perhaps you will find something useful there.
Sorry for not being much of a help.