hey so this render got about what looks like 20 percent of the way done then stopped calculating the reflections and I have no idea why, has anyone experienced anything like this before? I think its a memory thing because when I ran test renders at 320x240 it worked, then as soon as I upped it to HD 1080 it did this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
crazy image BTW, no idea whats going on
When I had them, a error message came up, and I would 'continue anyway' and MR would only render the opacity as a diffuse, nothing else.... or it would just crash. maybe reflections are different...?
the specs of your computer, 32 or 64 bit os, polycount in your scene, and all other details could probably get you some better ideas as to what is going on.
good luck!
and thanks for the responses! haha sorry for the late replies.