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Star Trek: Online (my first title)

polycounter lvl 11
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Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
Hey fellas,

So all of us here at Cryptic are excited about our launch of STO today (early start for preorders) and officially on the 2nd of Feb. The game's been doing well with the community so far and I'm very anxious about how it will be received by the public at large.

I got to play the game yesterday for the first time in months and I was actually very impressed with how much it has come along since I first joined the Cryptic team.

This is my first title that I've launched and I'm really proud to have my art in it. For months I worked as an environment artist on the project, and then recently have moved over in to the starship department. I hope that if any of you play the game that it's enjoyable for you.

Please feel free to leave any comments here for us too!

I want to thank the PC community for being so instrumental in the progression of my 3d abilities that have made it possible for me to be a part of this culture that I truly love.

Cheers - and to those that try the game - Enjoy!



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