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Vikramvr's Punk character

polycounter lvl 7
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vikramvr polycounter lvl 7
Hello guys,
Here's my latest character. A punk who's been in development for quite sometime now.
The highres
The bare turnaround
A shot of the bag
Normal +AO
Face closeup
Hope you guys like it. Would love to hear your comments


  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    Fuck. That looks awesome. Really nice work on, well, everything. Accessories, physique, clothes, hair. What're the specs on that for the low and high?

    Also, love the slightly relaxed pose you've got him in in the beauty render.
  • griffinax
    This is fuckin epic!
    Lovely work on the details, everything is very neat!
    Fabulous job, keep it up man!
  • ivanushka
    Agree with LoTekK & griffinax. This model is stupendous! Awesome job and great detail throughout. I've been watching your work in progress thread, and everything you fixed while working on the character like the knee bulge for example, payed off very well in the final model. The sculpt and normal maps are excellent, great job overall!
  • Xaltar
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    Xaltar polycounter lvl 17
    Hot damn, nice work! Not really much room for crits here. Only thing I can think of is maybe adding a bit of geo to the arm wrappings to make them look more believeable. Other than that...

    Nice efficient UV layout, good poly distrobution, solid textures, model has character and is memorable. This is pretty much pure win. Is this for any particular project or is it a portfolio piece? Either way, great stuff getting it done to this level.

    How long is "quite some time"?
  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    straight up ballin. love the pose. great lighting. just mint.
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    great work!
    your textures look very realistic and your polyflow has a good silhouette.
    tnx for sharing :)
  • jakelear
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    jakelear polycounter lvl 14
    Truly gorgeous work man. Love it!
  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    wow, is there anyway to take a look at the wip thread? never saw this on polycount.
  • vikramvr
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    vikramvr polycounter lvl 7
    Wow, I just posted this up, and so many replies turn up...Thank you guys, Really means a lot.
    LoTekK Thank you, Oh the spec for the low is 17k tris. I didn't really bother about the high. The textures are 2k, diffuse normal, and spec. Rendered in 3dsmax, with two area lights
    griffinax, TY
    ivanushka, TY
    Xaltar, TY - This is a personal piece. I wanted to see how far I can go with the sculpt and the textures, and put all my efforts into it. It has almost taken a month of my free time
    brandoom, TY
    Ravenslayer, TY
    sherew, yea the WIP thread is at zbrushcentral. http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showthread.php?t=79552&page=1&pp=15.
    There is a mini making of there in the fourth page. Would love to get some feedback from you guys on the ZBC forums about it.
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    Very nice indeed!
  • Sirdelita
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    Sirdelita polycounter lvl 10
    This is fantastic! Great work!
  • NyneDown
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    NyneDown polycounter lvl 11
    Nice and clean...good job man ;)
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    LoTekK wrote: »
    Fuck. That looks awesome. Really nice work on, well, everything. Accessories, physique, clothes, hair. What're the specs on that for the low and high?

    Also, love the slightly relaxed pose you've got him in in the beauty render.

  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    Freaking eye-dropping man! WOW! Just one thing that kinda bugs me, he's a real thorn guy, and i read on ZBC i guess that he was like a explorer or something. So i get the thorn cloth and everything, but did he really need a stolen backpack? :D I mean, man that's not an item he's bean traveling with. I'm just saying, to little grunge and shit on the backpack it self if you get me (:

    Wow, that was a big freaking chunk of text to say that little, ge.. Well, keep it up! Really cool anyhow!
  • Hitez
    looks like a young Chuck Mosley
  • P442
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    P442 polycounter lvl 8
  • 00Zero
    wow, sweet stuff.

    minor things that dont seem right. where the jeans are ripped and hanging over the back of the shoe, you should have some white threads where the rip is. also, the borders of the tape on his arms look kinda wierd.
  • Timothy_graybill
    very impressive! I never thought i could enjoy looking at a punk so much.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    this is very very cool

    I'm not so much a fan of the trousers.. but thats fashion ;)

    nice 1 !
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    The first image he looks a bit like Tim Robbins.. But once you take away the texture he looks nothing like him.............
  • Max
    It's the guy from 3D.sk (or something) right?
  • vikramvr
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    vikramvr polycounter lvl 7
    throttlekitty, TY
    sltrOlsson, He is a punk. I pulled out a lot of references for punk bags, and came up with this. They are known for sticking stickers on their bags, aren't they?
    Hitez, I have no idea who that is, but I am gonna google him
    P442, TYYY
    00Zero, well, I didn't wanna spend extra polygons for the threads, and the normal maps sort of held up very well, so decided to leave it this way.
    Rollin, TY
    VPrime, Tim Robbins? wow, I never noticed that
    Maxen, Yes the face and trousers are based off Rudy, from 3d.sk.

    Guys, thanks for the overwhelming responses. I never knew so many guys would respond at polycount. I am making this my main forum from here on. Thanks guys, really appreciate it. Means a lot
  • Asteric
    One word, fantastic.
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    I agree with everything people have been saying; this is fantastic work.

    If I were to offer any critique, it'd be that the tears in the jeans need a little more white around the frayed edges. Denim tends to have a lot of white in worn areas and tears, so the jeans would look a little better if you added white to those areas.
  • Mazvix
    Hey dude,

    cool character! There are few things that bother me when I look at him- The face and the anatomy donot make sense and do not feel in unity with one another. At the same time the jeans are super clean compare to everything else, also darken the grunge a bit on the green handkercheif so it is more visible.

    I hope you didn't mind my critiques, I am sure the next character will be 10x better :)
  • Razvan
    Really nice work. Got nothing more to say:P
  • AimBiZ
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    AimBiZ polycounter lvl 14
    Great work. Lots of character :D
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    thats incredible!
  • vikramvr
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    vikramvr polycounter lvl 7
    asteric, Ty
    Swizzle, TY
    Mazvix, Ty
    Razvan, Ty
    Ambiz, TY
    roosterMAP, TY
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    On top of the quality of art work you posted, I really think people should take notice of HOW you presented the character.

    There are no T-poses here. There are no nude, crude models. Everything about the presentation is in context to the character (besides the texture flats). I love (thats: LOVE) the way you showed his body work while keeping him in character. I've wanted to see this from character artists for a while now and it really made viewing the models... fresh.

    vikramvr, you've been given some critique here but just managed to say thank you for it. I'm genuinely interested to hear what you think of the criticism offered.

    Again - Good work fella, and welcome to Polycount.
  • Skurcey
    Exellent, but i dont really like
    -the lack of white grunge
    -the "paint(?)" on the shoes
    -the bandages (but maybe he s a brawler, i dunno)
  • penrod
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    penrod polycounter lvl 14
    Nice work. I think there are a few things you could do to make the face more believable though. Right now the ear appears to be set too far back, which is making the jaw look too long. I'm also not seeing some key boney landmarks on the face. It looks like his skull is missing the zygomatic arch.

  • Lows
    That's good stuff. really good. the model reminds me of the guy from 3DSK Ref...
  • vikramvr
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    vikramvr polycounter lvl 7
    adam, Thank you very much for your reply. Love your artwork. Above all the overwhelming replies I am getting , there are a few critics as well. I have been working on this model for around a month now, and I have come to a point where I have to stop work on this, and start something new. This is also the reason for just the "Thank you's". I will definitely take all these comments seriously, and put them to work on my next model. Keep them coming guys, TY very much.

    Above all, this is positive critism I am getting here, and critism about work. I had one guy at gameartisans who accused me of using Selwy's (http://www.selwy.com/) "Arthur" model. I kept politely answering his questions, trying to prove to him that, I was purely inspired by the models of Selwy ( he is a great artist), but he wouldn't accept it. His forum posting's went to such a level that I had to contact Selwy directly to make him understand that I haven't "used" his model.

    I really wished I had posted a WIP at polycount, so that I would have been able to produce a better model. There's always a next time guys.

    Skurcey, TY very much, for the shoes, I took some references from 3d.sk's rudy. Some punk's do have paint splattered on their shoes.

    penrod, TY, love your stuff. Fantastic comment. Now that I see the model again, I understand what you say about the zygomatic arch.

    Lows, TY, Yes, he is Rudy, from 3d.sk
  • Szark
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    Szark polycounter lvl 12
    Impressive work!
  • easterislandnick
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    easterislandnick polycounter lvl 17
    Sorry but I just don't buy the jeans as well. The top half of him is amazing and well researched but the rips in the jeans look too perfect. Denim if distressed naturally rips in ladder shapes. They should be paler, have stains etc, especially when comparing them to his skuzzy boots! How are his jeans so clean when his boots are so dirty!. Anyway, its just nitpicking! This is is a lovely bit of work and better than 90% of characters in AAA games!
  • vikramvr
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    vikramvr polycounter lvl 7
    TY Szark
    easterislandnick, TY for the reply. The jeans are not torn because they are old, they have been manually torn with a knife. This is the reason behind keeping them clean. The paint on the boots are intentionally splattered there as well.
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