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PS3 Yellow light of Death

polycounter lvl 17
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low odor polycounter lvl 17
Anyone else ever get this? Did you do the out of warranty replacement? Think a new console would be better than a refurb? I've got an old 40gb. And if I got a new one...I can just swap in my old harddrive? back up to a USB..swap the new one in..tranfer? Any XP on the subject would be helpful



  • Axios
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    Axios polycounter lvl 10
    I got this as well. Stuff I saw online pointed towards hard drive failure, but upon plugging a new hard drive in, the PS3 still wouldn't turn on so that doesn't seem to be the case. As of right now, I believe I'm in the same position as you. As far as the backup goes, yes, the PS3's built-in backup utility will do it given that the disks are good.
  • Empty
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    Empty polycounter lvl 18
    Your PS3 broke. Thats bumcity.

    Do some modeling Drew :)
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    but but but....MW2...and NETFLIX....and and Shut up MATT
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    I've transfered stuff from a scratched up faulty PS3 drive to a new one before without any problems. You can use a USB just fine, and if that fails it's just a laptop drive so you can hook it into your PC and retrieve all the files manually if need be.

    As far as I know, there's no problem going from a 'fat' to a 'slim' if you get a new one. Same drives either way.

    Don't have any experience with getting one refurbished, so I can't give advice on that.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    You can't swap HDD's (pull one out and put the old one in), just back it up. Might as well get a new one.
  • Mladen Jovicic
    i actually had this happen to me recently. thought there was no way to fix it. almost bought a new one. Even took out the hardrive, tried a new one, nothing. UNTIL i opened it up and heated the cpu for a few minutes, and BAM it worked. it failed on me twice, did the same thing and worked everytime.

    so if you got some sort of heater gun, just open up it up, and heat the cpu for a little bit and try it out. saved me 300 bucks hehe

    that was my solution. i think the soldering was loose? or something along those lines

    bought my ps3 on day 1 so its pretty old and i didn't give a fuck about the warranty cuz it was clearly expired. i heard that you gotta pay 170 bucks to get it fixed if you call sony? not too sure really.

    anywho hope that helps
  • charger
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    charger polycounter lvl 18

    Seems complicated, but I saw some guys doing the same thing on a bbc program (watchdog I think) and it works. But its on your own risk. Good luck with it, hope I will never get that :S
  • Quokimbo
    Eff refurb products. I have never bought one that lasted...

    $170 is better then a new ps3...but they are now Slim! :)
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