I've been searching around to see if PS CS4 Extended has the ability to create 3d pdf's like in the example below. When I save out a pdf from PS, it basically just embeds the 3d object and has no ability to interact with it in the pdf. Is there a plug-in I need or am I just shit outta luck?!?
from the site where the pdf was linked. some info there. Also looks like its a SketchUp thing. Pretty cool none the less though, its super fast to load!
We just upgraded to CS4 extended at work and were hoping we can do this for our marketing dept.
The 3d stuff in photoshop i think is more catered to designers instead of offering interactivity. It is mildly mediocre at best, if not completely fail. The lighting solutions are not really what lighting is in 3d packages, more of an 3d lighting setup to look good only in 2d.
I dont think adobe will incorporate 3d interactive files into photoshop (meaning a source anyone can look at on the web or other), for that you may have to stick to flash or after effects. Even still, it seems that renderplus provides their plugin for sale:
for $95
I havent read too much on renderplus so I'm not too sure if it would allow us to achieve exactly what we do where I work, which is graphic design related. It would be a good altlernative, but convincing upper management to dish out mo' money is the hard part
I was trying to use it for painting on models and to improve texturing workflow when dealing with complex models - which it fails miserably at. You can bring incredibly dense meshes in however, i've brought anywhere from 100 polys to 7million ply meshes in, the 7 million poly meshes obviously suck away at your performance, but it works
So far though, ive not found any sort of exporter to do cool stuff like you're talkin about, it seems the 3d integration into photoshop is meant for flexibility in design of 2d images (i'm thinkin of automobile adverts, with rotating models to the needs of the client) instead of practical 3d applications for printing and the "cool shit" you could do in max, or CAD applications.
unfortunately, my copy of CS4 extended crashes when i hit print (which is awesome). so i cant play the pdf stuff
But I found out that PS CS4 Extended CANT export a interactive PDF after all. I guess their definition of interactive 3d pdf and mine vary quite a bit. A solution I found was to use Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended. I downloaded the trial and it works just fine for the type of stuff we do, which doesnt involve any heavy poly counts. We were basically wanting to utilize the minimal 3d features in PS to create super basic interior spaces using vantage point. It's for quick marketing tools so we dont necessarily have the extra time to spend on time consuming scenes (even though I wish we did.) So either way, we have to use PS in conjunction with Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended. So yea, my quest has ended here...yaY! haha. Thanks for the help man