Hey polycount, I'm pretty new to posting here although I've been reading the forums for a little while now.
I thought posting a sketchbook thread would be one good way of starting off here, hope you like my stuff and I would love advice on how to make my work better!
I'll start off with a 50 minute speed paint I did the other night. It's very incomplete, but I'm quite happy with the direction - gonna develop it further. The topic for the speedpaint was "Overgrown future ship by cliff".

Inspired after watching some planet earth.
Kind of a failed finished concept, lacks depth I think. Inspired by Trantor, Coruscant and the Citadel in Mass Effect. I just really like the idea of the atmosphere, having a meal at sundown, watching a massive spaceship dock in the distance - illuminating the clouds with its engines.
I'm going to try and update this frequently from now!
Jessica - Yes I do 3D as well, will be posting some of that soon.
Just a quick landscape doodle, feeling wintery.
Do you have any particular tip for making landscapes? Keep up the good work!
Happy new year everyone!