This was an exercise I did in one of my art classes recently, and I thought some of the results were pretty classic.
You are trying to portray how YOU see yourself. If you are fat and the face is starting to sag, and you still see yourself as the tough marine, draw the marine. If you never were a tough marine, but that's how you see yourself, draw it anyway. If you see yourself as the opposite gender, or a different species, do whatever you want.
The rules of the exercise are as follows:
1.) You have 5 minutes. Don't cheat, the time limit is what makes this fun.
2.) You can not use a mirror or picture.
3.) No likeness is REQUIRED, but I think it's better if you try to include some.
4.) All media permitted. I might have another go with a speed sculpt instead
Here is my example. I'm a slow artist and I took few creative liberties. I expect to see much better. You can see that I added elf ears, as I usually do, because I've always seen myself elf. EDIT: remade this in photoshop instead of quicksketch. i prefer it
and if you went for a likeness at all, a picture obviously makes it more interesting, but is by no means required.
[/lame joke]
Not a bad idea man, i'd contribute but i gots hw to do.
pnp aint just for showing off your perfect amazing stuff, its for you to show anything you have done that can be considered art, and theres comunity threads going in pnp now, so this would fit in, i've considered doing one for this thread but i'm fininishing up an art test now, so maybe when i'm done
I did time it though. No pics or mirrors etc.
I dont have a stopwatch or anything fancy. This makes a ding at the start and the end, so it's handy.
I gave myself prettier hair. Now off to troubleshoot wacom+photoshop problems.
I hope I dont end up on the FBI DB to build up more Bin's portraits :poly124:
did this in like 3 and a half mins while my ramen nuked
note the "i've never shaved before" facial hair, the empty glance wayward, and dark circles under the eyes.
Looks weird
Very accurate.
You look like a flat-faced, young Al Pacino if the drawing is accurate. Zomg.
honkypunch, pretty cool. that would take me at least 10 minutes probably
*deleted to save embarrassment!
edit: that was bad, spent another 5 mins on it, for some reason I thought I had a blocky jaw...
took more (including reboot after virus scan deleting my work)
consider it as reference for likeness
here is a complete rule meeting contribution
(and it shows the real me)
opposite gender was so funny, i couldnd resist:
Havent heard that in a long while.
I think it turned out OK Looks more like me than I expected it to! :P
My favorite.
looks like a baby...
i'm gonna retry later on.. see if i do any better. (this one doesn't look anything like me except the big forehead )
Ravenslayer, you look like a monkey lol
Here is mine, doesn't look like me, too old and to nose is too straight. Gotta try more. Lots of fun.
Heres colors if interested colors took more than 5 minutes though.
I have red hair so..
We have Niko Bellic!
edit wrong upload
going to add 5 minutes on, but it's not cheating because i just wanted to finish this. (and you can still see the original x_x)
so 10 min