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Max: Creating reset xform toolbar/shortcut

Reset xform is a utility I use frequently in max but I can't for the life of me find it's command in the customize toolbar/shortcut menu. There is a 'reset selected' command but when I place this on a custom toolbar with the object selected it is grayed out. Anyone know how to assign this command to a hotkey/toolbar?


  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    There's a "ResetXForm" command in the list in Max 2010. Dunno if it's there in earlier versions, I've never looked. It seems to be part of the Polyboost custom macros though, so probably not.

    If you are on Max 2010, just open the Customize UI window, go to the Toolbars tab, leave the Group set to "Main UI" and the Category set to "All Commands", click anywhere in the Action list and type "reset" quickly to go to that part of the alphabet. It's just below "Reset Working Pivot" in the list...
    drag that onto any toolbar. Works fine for me here.

    If you're on an earlier version of Max though, then you might have to create a custom macro script. Turn on the listener and check the script window when you run a standard Reset XForm through the Utility panel. It should tell you what command it's using. You can select the command and drag it to any toolbar to create a script button.
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    I use this script and put it in my quad menu (you can put it on toolbar too of course);

    macroScript ResetXForm
    buttonText:"Reset XForm"
    toolTip:"Reset XForm"
    on isEnabled do
    return (selection.count != 0)

    on execute do
    for node in selection do
    if (isValidNode(node)) then
    ResetXForm node

    But half the time I use a script that includes a macros.run "Modifier Stack" "Convert_to_Poly" after the resetxform node, which collapses the stack as well (this may not be desirable if you have other modifiers on it you wanna keep)

    I haven't worked out how to do the "collapse to" thing in maxscript so that it only collapses the reset xform... For example if a model already has symmetry or turbosmooth, then I dont know how to make a script to apply reset xform + collapse ONLY the reset xform thing without affecting the symmetry and turbosmooth.

    My lame workaround involves deleting the other modifiers, and then using my resetxform+collapse script and then reapplying the modifiers :/ I don't do it that often so I'm not that bothered, but if someone has a better solution then it'd be nice :p
  • SyncViewS
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    SyncViewS polycounter lvl 13
    Hi, I'm not sure it provides shortcuts too, but you may want to take a look at this advanced Reset XForm tool.

  • scourgewarper
    I did have max 2010 64-bit installed but fell out of love when it kept being ball achingly slow - this may have just been my setup and was when it first came out so it may be fixed now but yer i'm using max 2009.

    That script is just what I need - yozora I don't suppose you could post the script you use as that's what I do most of the time, i'm not too adept at maxscript so not sure how i'd add those steps to the script you've posted.

    That advanced reset tool looks quite interesting too gonna have a play with that:)
  • Mark Dygert
    Also check out Paul Neale's Reset XForm script, its pretty handy at identifying objects that need their xform reset and doing a bunch of them at once.

  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    This is where to put that extra line;

    macroScript ResetXFormCollapse
    buttonText:"Reset XForm Collapse"
    toolTip:"Reset XForm Collapse"
    on isEnabled do
    return (selection.count != 0)

    on execute do
    for node in selection do
    if (isValidNode(node)) then
    ResetXForm node
    macros.run "Modifier Stack" "Convert_to_Poly")

    You can change the category to whatever you want btw, I personally grab all scripts and put them into a single category and all in the same .ms file for convenience when editing hotkeys and when/if I need to reinstall max or my ui for whatever reason.
  • scourgewarper
  • Rick_D
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    Rick_D polycounter lvl 17
    An ex-colleague wrote a bunch of scripts and I still use them to this day. These solve all the real annoying little problems max has; such as not being able to assign a hotkey to the bridge command, and the problem in this thread: resetting x-form and then collapsing back to a poly.


    Encourage you to check these out and say a big thanks to Urgaffel / Pete when your workflow speeds up by 50%.
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