Ok I started with block modeling to get the basic shape, then chamfer'ed the outer edge so that it would bevel nicely when smoothed. I then added 2 iterations of mesh smooth to the hard base to give it enough polys so that i could Boolean out the recesses without getting horrible smoothing results. Symmetry will be applied after all is modeled.
I then drew some splines around the trigger and thumb holes to get their shape. then lofted the splines to create a positive that i could use for the Boolean operation. Whether this works im about to find out.
I used the capsule and oil tank shapes to create further positive molds for other recesses using a high side count to give a nice smooth transition.
Well here's the high poly base it still has a few sharp edges to it but i have a plan to solving those.
Thanks. THis is my first mesh that didnt go all weird after using booleans. I think it was coz its a high poly mesh and before i removed the bool's i added the smooth modifier and upped the poly count using tesselate so that there were many verticies for edges to link to.
I will post more wips eventually as im currently doing some freelance graphic design and the splash damage art test.