Ok, so! Lately work has picked up and I've been burned out when I get home so I've been slowly (like.. 15 or 20 minutes here and there) working on the fence. It's nearly done, I just need to finish the chainlink texture and get the razorwire done then she's finished!
Other than that, I doubled the tessellations on my terrain. It's nothing big, not even note worthy, but at least its something!
Ok, so! Lately work has picked up and I've been burned out when I get home so I've been slowly (like.. 15 or 20 minutes here and there) working on the fence. It's nearly done, I just need to finish the chainlink texture and get the razorwire done then she's finished!
Other than that, I doubled the tessellations on my terrain. It's nothing big, not even note worthy, but at least its something!
I'll post updates soon.
Thanks everyone!
Any work is better than none. Atleast it keeps you motivated.
Your replies today inspired me to come home and knock the fences out...
...so I did! I've added them to my style & technique layout (what I've been showing in the pictures so far) and will update this thread tomorrow some time with breakdown shots of the fence asset itself.
Adam, what the F are these? If you remember from my comp page (in my original post) I have fences that Dr. Q has setup as a perimeter around his not-so-super-secret forest base. This is my first go at those fences
Grats on getting the fences out, I can sorta see the barb right until the far right, then they sorta just dissapear. Are they paper thin? And the current positioning of the fencing is for previewing yea? Cuz I'm not sure what purpose they serve where they are right now.
All in all it's excellent seeing how much progress you've made it's downright inspiring.
And that log looks like people can use it to jump over the fence xD
I can sorta see the barb right until the far right, then they sorta just dissapear.
And that log looks like people can use it to jump over the fence xD
I like the log jump, personally, if you can sneak through the gaps, why not be able to jump over it as well?
Can we get a close up of the fence in engine?
I gotta agree you kinda loose detail on the fence on the right, and the links seem a little dark.
I should just copy and paste this with each new post, since most people just like pretty pictures and walls of text are scary.
adam wrote this 100 times now: The lighting is temporary and just in there for me to light what I have. It's 1 directional and 1 height fog. I play with the colours here and there for shits & giggles.
As for the tree's - good find! The tree's cut the terrain sharply because I haven't gone through and grounded them all with shrubbery, to hide the intersections. Glad someone noticed that. It's not a huge deal breaker at this point but it is one of those things you do in the "finishing touches" stage.
And, because I'm the administrator I should bring this up: Critique is not, "This looks bad." Critique is, "This looks bad and I suggest you try this, this or this to fix it. Also here's a link on other ideas."
I'm glad you pointed out the sharp tree intersections, but it'd be best for others to learn from you if you gave your 2 cents on how to fix the problem. You don't need to now for this particular problem since I've addressed it, but it'd be nice to see that in the future (from everyone).
The lighting in this scene is really flat... seems like it was lit with only 1 directional light....
In all seriousness though... doesn't the fence seem a bit too close to the cliff wall for all practical purposes. I mean... why build the fence if the cliff is there to block someone. I understand the principle behind it ... and the need to break up the earthy organic elements...
Maybe closer to the river? Although there isn't much room.
In all seriousness though... doesn't the fence seem a bit too close to the cliff wall for all practical purposes. I mean... why build the fence if the cliff is there to block someone. I understand the principle behind it ... and the need to break up the earthy organic elements...
Maybe closer to the river? Although there isn't much room.
It's just a scene he's using to test out the assets in engine and such. I'm sure when he starts laying everything out to fit his initial layout the assets won't be placed in awkward positions like that.
haha! It's totally in an akward position but its not something I mind! I think it fits this bumbling idiot of a character (Dr. Q) I'm envisioning in my head. Also, I'm playing this off of my camera bookmarks and that was the best spot for them. I originally had them on the other side of the river (see this image here that I posted a while ago) but that was too close to the camera so I crossed the river and dressed them there.
As well, a good test for checking the intensity of your lighting is using Unreal's squint mode. Since I don't have Unreal opened, I just did a guassian blur on this sumbitch.
You know I was kidding about the lighting right?... hehe. I understand moving the fence to the cliff.. I just personally liked them better on the other side of the river. But it will all look different as you add more stuff anyways.
Man... Just finish this already.
The white (birch?) trees are my favourite thing about this whole thing and I'm really digging on the painterly style of the textures.
I posted a thread over in Technical Talk about inverse the effects DoF has in UDK. Right now I can only seem to effect the background and not the foreground propers of depth of field.
Like most games with this sort of DoF, theres no way for me to blue the actual edges of the mesh to make it ultra-realistic. Normally thats just something I would do in post (read: Photoshop) but since I want to have a video when I am done this will have to do.
ADAM ! you are excellent. I like the style of this environment. A fun thing to do with those floating assets instead of deleting or pressing the end key is to place a rocket booster mesh underneath to give in that believability.... not <---- Run on sentence PARTY! But seriously I think this looks great man. gj
I just wanted to say fantastic video, fantastic thread. You're a true inspiration to current/aspiring environment artists.
If it's not too much work, videos would be really helpful, I find that whenever I just save images- I typically need to save the text as well for it to be useful later on, while videos are an all in one. Either way - It's great to see all this come together
Love the video Adam! I'm all for major updates being done in video, just because it makes life easier for you. And what capture program did you use to capture you? Was it the non free version of FRAPS?
Nice preview in the vid! The textures really make it work, nothing thats jarring to the eye.
huh. Since you see the effect better at a lower camera altitude, I figure that the Evil Genius has an equally short adversary. :P Keep up the work man!
Hi adam. New here on Polycount and only been modelling for about 4 month now. Really love your forest and foliage and your scene looks great! I have looked for tutorial on how to make these type of meshes but never found any good ones. Care to make or share a good tutorial on the subject? Would make my day!
Striker, right now the water is a modified Epic material setup inside of my own material. The biggest difference are the fadeoff distance from the shore, the colour, and overall opacity. Eventually I'll swap in my own normal maps to make it my own.mkandersson
mkandersson - Welcome! I was thinking of showing the foliage and cliff faces in a video. It wouldn't be a tutorial so much as a more personal look at their mesh work in general.
Ok, so! Lately work has picked up and I've been burned out when I get home so I've been slowly (like.. 15 or 20 minutes here and there) working on the fence. It's nearly done, I just need to finish the chainlink texture and get the razorwire done then she's finished!
Other than that, I doubled the tessellations on my terrain. It's nothing big, not even note worthy, but at least its something!
I'll post updates soon.
Thanks everyone!
Any work is better than none. Atleast it keeps you motivated.
...so I did! I've added them to my style & technique layout (what I've been showing in the pictures so far) and will update this thread tomorrow some time with breakdown shots of the fence asset itself.
Adam, what the F are these? If you remember from my comp page (in my original post) I have fences that Dr. Q has setup as a perimeter around his not-so-super-secret forest base. This is my first go at those fences
Until then!
All in all it's excellent seeing how much progress you've made
And that log looks like people can use it to jump over the fence xD
I like the log jump, personally, if you can sneak through the gaps, why not be able to jump over it as well?
Can we get a close up of the fence in engine?
I gotta agree you kinda loose detail on the fence on the right, and the links seem a little dark.
I'll get some fence shots in a bit!
The lighting is doing something odd with the chainlink, making it dark. And the logo is totally setup to jump over top
I know, right?
Also the lighting is a bit flat yet, maybe because of the fog, too.
The assets are very good.
As for the tree's - good find! The tree's cut the terrain sharply because I haven't gone through and grounded them all with shrubbery, to hide the intersections. Glad someone noticed that. It's not a huge deal breaker at this point but it is one of those things you do in the "finishing touches" stage.
I'm glad you pointed out the sharp tree intersections, but it'd be best for others to learn from you if you gave your 2 cents on how to fix the problem. You don't need to now for this particular problem since I've addressed it, but it'd be nice to see that in the future (from everyone).
/end bossman.exe
In all seriousness though... doesn't the fence seem a bit too close to the cliff wall for all practical purposes. I mean... why build the fence if the cliff is there to block someone. I understand the principle behind it ... and the need to break up the earthy organic elements...
Maybe closer to the river? Although there isn't much room.
It's just a scene he's using to test out the assets in engine and such. I'm sure when he starts laying everything out to fit his initial layout the assets won't be placed in awkward positions like that.
The white (birch?) trees are my favourite thing about this whole thing and I'm really digging on the painterly style of the textures.
I mention that I *am* in game mode which is why the post isn't on, I meant to say I am NOT in Game mode. D'oh!
Looking good, I will agree that the DoF is a little annoying but that's just how it has to be :P
I wonder if you could do some sort of screen overlay to fake the blurring? I realize it wouldn't work in some spots, but maybe it could help....
If it isn't too much more work, yes :P I've always liked the videos over pics...
Looks great adam, the harder edges aren't as apparent when its in motion, and it actually works really well, very nice.
If it's not too much work, videos would be really helpful, I find that whenever I just save images- I typically need to save the text as well for it to be useful later on, while videos are an all in one. Either way - It's great to see all this come together
I used Camtasia to capture it. Unfortunately I couldn't get it to capture at a higher frame rate then it did.
huh. Since you see the effect better at a lower camera altitude, I figure that the Evil Genius has an equally short adversary. :P Keep up the work man!
ps. everything looks stunning
mkandersson - Welcome! I was thinking of showing the foliage and cliff faces in a video. It wouldn't be a tutorial so much as a more personal look at their mesh work in general.
Damn he burned you Scooby.
Why'd you PM me? This thread is all about sharing ideas - so get it in here!