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i'm making a girl

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thanks a lot .


  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Can you show your model in the prospective view along with the wireframe on it?

    Also Texture map is a plus.


    Looks good so far, nice work by the way.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    You'd be better off screen grabbing straight from your 3d application for crit purposes, rather than using that grainy GI business. A closer shot of the face would also be useful.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    She has no arms.

    Also, if you're interested in making characters i hope you have zbrush, you'll definitely want to use that program at some point in the process for making characters. Keep it up!

    Oh, she also seems tall for a girl, combined with not having arms it's pretty creepy. You also might think about reducing the chest size for this kind of character, rather than be compared against the 10000 other larger chested video game chicks.
  • Master_v12
    She has no arms
    Good point...

    Yeah man some Wires, Reference, maybe some background will all help us help you. yah!
  • 2BOrNot2B
    thank you mates I hope that I get some constructive criticism about the anatomy
    I'm making a silent-hell like game ...


    thanks a lot .
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    !! A girl with half naked legs, 2 guns and no hands....I wonder how this will work. =\
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 17
    she has a tail i guess
  • 9skulls
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    9skulls polycounter lvl 13
    she has a tail i guess
    Make that 2 for 2 guns :/
  • 2BOrNot2B
    please can you take that seriously , i didn't do the hands yet .
  • makecg
    texturing looks really good.. the proportions of the torso seem off I would have modeled the arms first before texturing but do your own thing.
  • uneditablepoly
    The shots you've shown remind me of PS2 and horror games so I guess if you're making a Silent Hill type game, good job haha.
  • garriola83
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    garriola83 greentooth
    what are your goals for this model? is it for next-gen or last-gen? do you have a polycount in mind or a texture size limitation? what engine are you gonna use it for?

    these are questions you need to address whenever making anything. right now...it doesnt seem to fit in next gen, the silhouette is too plain and you modeled the gun before the arms....im thinking youre rushing this and dont have a game plan at all.

    prioritize and get the charater model all figured out...concept, different variations, storyline, etc. then model the character.
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    dude, come back to anubis and magicians, please.
    p.s: "silent-hell' is outstanding))
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    The legs have a comic-like shape about them, and the torso lacks definition for such tight clothing.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    conte wrote: »
    dude, come back to anubis and magicians, please.
    p.s: "silent-hell' is outstanding))

    Its Silent Hill, and so far he is going on the right track. A bit tweeking of his model and arm+hand implimentation will do just fine.

    (I see that head looks a bit bigger then the body..maybe its just me)

    Still waiting for him to post the model's wireframe, and texture map.
  • Legion
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    Legion polycounter lvl 11
    makecg wrote: »
    texturing looks really good.. the proportions of the torso seem off I would have modeled the arms first before texturing but do your own thing.

    I agree, the texturing is definitely coming along; however, you mentioned above you were hoping for some criticism on the anatomy? Well I have a few pointers if your interested.

    The clothing does play a key factor in the shape of the being. For example as mentioned above? She appears to be wearing fairly tight clothes. I would suggest a more "hour glass" shape to her. In her lower half, I would like to raise a little thing about her feet. In my opinion they spread out a little too much, I would think them to be thinner. Another key point for me was the size of the bust. Due to her size? She seems more petite. I would recommend toning it down, but again it is only a suggestion. : )

    As for some definite good news? I am liking a few important things that give good description to a character and their gender on her face. Her jaw, for starters, is thinner. Which I think is a definite plus, her facial features in general, such as her nose and eyes alone? Would suggest she is female (again, my opinion).

    -One thing I just noticed though, the back of her head seems a little heavy. Would it be possible to get a side shot of it?

    Other than that?! Great work so far man, looking forward to seeing it completed. Keep it up!
  • Wyldcard
    Quickly retrieve arms from safe.

    On a serious note, I think like others have said the technical side looks fine but the scales look a little off. The head width to body width is a bit :S She has a waist that is about the thickness of her head. I like the dress texture tho, looks very cool.

    ^^ just go and get a lads mag and study it for "research" make notes of female body size / scale and most importantly curves. Its the biggest difference in 1st recognition, our eyes take in a silhouette 1st then the details. So if that silhouette doesn't have "female" written on it our brains tend to think something is amiss.
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    c'mon guys, that's just unserious
    he doesn't need any critique, cause he already shown it and haven't change just anything.
    Belias, stop being so weird, make some new stuff, some neat and well detailed.
  • Celes
    The texture on the dress is nice.
    Anatomy-wise tho, I'd say the waist flows way too smoothly into the hips. A little curvier makes more sense... especially with them big jugs that she's got.
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