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colour managed web brosers?

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malcolm polycount sponsor
I'm using safari on windows 7, apparently they have added colour profile management to it. Specifically my web page now looks like shit, do I need to go back and some how resave all the jpegs on there or something, I didn't even know I saved those images with a colour profile? Or is there any way to turn off this colour profile shit in windows 7 or safari for windows. Even my avatar on this web page looks washed out compared to if I save it to the desktop and look at it in irfanview. I should also note I'm running win 7 at work and do not have this issue with safari?


  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    I hate color management. It seems like every time you get it working perfectly, some small thing ruins everything.

    I use firefox 3.5 which has it built in, and everything saves fine. That said, you DO need to convert your images to srgb jpegs before saving.

    In save for web you want to check "convert to sRGB" but uncheck embed color profile. You are converting from your system's color space to the more narrow (but more widely used) sRGB color space. It's compressing a little of the wide range, but putting it into a system that everything can see and use.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Shit, really? Fuck I'm really hoping I don't have to go back and resave all that content. And yes colour management fucking sucks, even in xp we had numerous artists who's photoshop had different colours than maya, turns out it was the monitor colour profile not running srgb it was a lot of work to figure out how to get rid of the icc profile on the monitor to make it work.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Hi poop, looks like irfanview can batch remove the colour profile from .jpg images with lossless compression so I should be able to batch all my images and get rid of the colour profile. I'm at work right now so I'll do a test at home tonight and confirm whether or not this fixes the problem. I've also noticed my work pc is running generic pnp monitor with no icc profile and at home I have a dell icc profile I'm guessing that's why I can see the problem at home. I'll turn off the embed colour profile option when saving future .jpgs
  • malcolm
    Offline / Send Message
    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Hey poop, looks like it works. I can lossless batch all the images on my website and it fixes the problem with my colour profile. Thanks for the help!
  • poopinmymouth
    Offline / Send Message
    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
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