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CANVAS Source Engine Game Project

CANVAS Source Engine Game Project

What is Canvas?

Canvas is a Source Engine-powered thirdperson action/adventure game that details the adventure of a psychic girl named Milena and her sadistic companion teddy bear Borden. Together they venture into the realms of paintings.

Pictures (and videos) speaks a thousand words so I'll let them do most of the talking for this part.

Visit our Youtube channel : www.youtube.com/canvasmod

Trailer* : [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5W6YGYME_c4[/ame]

*This does not represent the latest build of the game!

We're not officially announced yet so the knowledge of our mod in and outside of the Source community is rather limited - we prefer to develop the mod into a more mature state before officially launching a website and announcing it. If you want to amuse yourself by continually staring at our in-progress site that contains just one image feel free to go here :


Here are also a couple of screenshots from the actual game, please keep in mind that everything in here are work in progress.


th_cnvs_circus_beach01_old0003.jpg th_cnvs_circus_beach010036.jpg th_cnvs_gallery_exterior0028.jpg

Who works on Canvas?

The team is composed of around 5 core members and 3-4 on/off freelancers who helps us from time to time with art assets. The majority of our team comes from the US but a few of us do reside in the UK - our main players resides in San Francisco, CA.

We're a small indie team, we don't have an office (but we do have a meeting room), we can't pay you, and we don't have a cool studio name - we just go by Team Canvas. We are, however, very dedicated to our project and strive to perfect it to the best of our abilities. The core team members have at least 2 years experience doing modding and game design. We treat each other with professional courtesy and are proud to say that we're working towards the same goal.

What is the Source Engine, exactly?

The Source Engine is the game engine powering games developed by Valve, LLC. (mostly), this includes Half-Life 2, HL2 : episode 1, HL2 : episode 2, Left 4 Dead, and more recently, Left 4 Dead 2.

More information regarding the engine can be found here at the Valve Developer Wiki : http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Main_Page

What do you get out of this?

Excellent point, while we're not a commercial company and are therefore unable to dish out dough liberally to our much-appreciated artists we do offer compensations of the other kind.

We offer you an experience to work with a team to design a game project, how things work when you make assets for games and how to collaborate with others to bring your vision to life. It will also teach you teamwork and discipline and what it's like to be codependent on each other to produce good end product.

We can make your dreams of this :


Into this :


Don't mind the poor girl's neck we're adjusting it!

So, what are we looking for?

Now that we got you interested, we're looking for experienced :

1.) Concept Artists (characters, props, and environments)
2.) Texture Artists
3.) 3D Prop Modeler
4.) 3D Character Modeler (Zbrush experience is a plus)
5.) Anyone who feels like contributing

CONTACT US : contact@canvasgame.com


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