[EDIT] Most Recent Pic

Hey all, so I decided I'd make my own wip thread. It's not going to be as amazing as some of the other threads on here but meh. I need a job now that I'm done school, so I plan to be boosting my portfolio. I probably should make some props, since I imagine that's what type of job I'll start with as a junior artist but first I want to get my Dark Pheonix from ComicCon finished. Originally I was planning on making the giant flaming bird to go with her, but now I just want to get it finished so it's just going to be her.
Here's the pics of the high-poly, I'm going to be moving onto the low poly pretty soon so any crits at this stage would be great.

the feet are a bit flat, and the hands look a bit on the large side,
her shins look like they are broken backwards, just a bit less of a curve down near the ankle.
her knees are way high as well as her breasts.
the meat on the back of the thighs are a bit misshapen, but I cant put my finger on it.
maybe someone else can figure it out.
Edit: her face is also a bit long, a bit wider would help a lot.
I decided to completely redo the hair, that picture shrew posted helped a lot. Here's a in-progress shot....I hate hair....
those are some really weird renders tho, what the hell are you doing to your pics? :P
[HP]: THanks, haha I assume you're talking about the first image. I got a bit carried away playing with the mudbox viewport filters, they're all just screen-grabs from mudbox.
Ok SO I think I'm done with the high-poly model now.
Achillesian: Ya I know what you mean, I was thinking of doing smore sort of mix between sculpted and alpha hair. I haven't seen it done before so I'm not sure what to expect, there might be a good reason no one mixes the two.
Here's the low-poly with a bake test. Its just normal and ao, theres some errors that need to be cleaned still.
everything looks good, and the bake came out well,
I vote no pupils, maybe some energy sparks coming off?
I really like how the hair came out, looking forward to how you build a low poly with that.
good job.
Also: how many tris are you using? what are your texture sizes?
Ok I'm done yay! Heres a beauty shot and a construction shot. I realized I only was giving beauty renders, which would make it hard to crit while it was a W.I.P
Now for my next project, I can't decide whether I want to do a chartoony, kind of cute demon dude or an awesome Mecha suit kinda like mechwarrior....hmmm....or I could do some props....Any suggestions? I might make sketches of both and see what I like better.
For your next project maybe a character with more accessories or just accessories?
So here's some sketches of my next possible character. I chartoony evil Pirate fellow.
Everything else looks outstanding.
And thanks for ref image displays also....*cant believe I just scrap the paper if mine is not too fair where as, everyone else just dont care if their images are fair or not*
Ok so I'm going with the 3rd design, I'm trying for a mix between the mechwarrior type mechs and the anime type. I'm not great at drawing machines in perspective so I'm gonna do changes in 3d depending on how it looks.
I really like the feet and jet pack, cool detail but not overtly busy,
keep up the good work.
So my hard drive decided to die
Heres a picture to show what I'm talking about.
Anyways I finished the low poly, its just under 12000 tris, I could optimize it more by using more floating geometry but I decided uv space was more important.
I 'finished' my base bake off all the parts, there are tons of little errors I have to go through and clean up, bleh.
Here's a screen grab from xNormal, its using 2 2048 materials and just the normal and occlusion bake.
OK I did up some possible colour schemes, tell me what'cha think.
PS. The game I worked on, Fowl Space, got into the PAX 10. YAY!
Ok so here's 8 more palettes, I'm having a real tough time deciding on the colours so any input would be great.
My personal top picks were 2,4,5,19 and 20. It looks like number 5 is the most popular so that's the one I'm going to go with.
Are you gonna dirty it up a bit? It might look cool with a bit of grease / dirt on it. A lot of folks into the whole Gunpla scene have a technique called 'weathering' which when done well can add a lot to a model and I think it might work on your mech.
This is an example of what I mean, not a great example but you get the idea:
Great seeing your progress through the whole development process
Okay here is the beauty shot I did up.