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What the fuck is up with photoshop cs4 snapping to grid?

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malcolm polycount sponsor
I'm running into this problem where snap to grid has to be turned on for every single layer and switching between images it also has to be enabled. What is also weird is I must enable it with ctrl + shift + ; or else it doesn't work. Any know what the deal is here. Enabling it in the interface doesn't even do anything.


  • erikb
    Sounds like a bug... sounds like you just needs to restart the app or something, I've had some strange bugs with CS4...

    There's not much trickery with the snap to grid function...

    Check if the workspaces has anything to do with the bug, Window > Workspace. Try the default one.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    If you have X amount of documents open you will need to turn snapping on/off on each one. It is not global. And you sure it's not the document bounds that's snapping? It will snap to objects in all layers.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Seems to be working now. No idea what I did to fix it, random combination of hotkeying the grid and manually setting it through the interface. I was having it where each layer needed to have the snap setting turned on, quite frustrating.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Okay I've figured out what the problem is but I don't have a solution. When snap is turned on I can snap to grid with a marquee select, when snap is turned off I can snap to grid with the paint brush, anyone got any ideas this is extremely annoying having to enable and disable snap to select vs move pixels.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    every now and then I hear a adobe hate scream here in the office. CS4 is really buggy
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Figured out what is causing the bug. In my workflow I turn on snapping, and when I want to move things around on layers on just hold the control key and left mouse drag things around instead of exiting my current tool. Looks like the snapping is broken for the control modifier key mode I'm using and I have to manually enter the move tool by hitting the v key to be able to snap. The fucked part is if I turn snapping off then hold the control key it will snap when moving pixels around and painting but not when I'm marquee dragging. What a piece of shit.
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