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PROBLEM: MAX 2008 camera rotate bug?

polycounter lvl 18
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Todd Dinosaur polycounter lvl 18
PROBLEM: This is in MAX 2008. My viewport camera won’t rotate/orbit around the selected sub-object when I have selected a vetex/edge/face in Unwrap UVW. Instead the viewport camera rotates/orbits around the center of the object in stead of rotating around the selected subobject.

DETAILS: Work recently switched us from MAX 8 to 2008 and this is one of the issues that have come up. I do have “arc rotate subobject” selected for my rotate (yellow one in the bottom right). If I’m in subobject mode in Editable Poly and have a vetex/edge/face selected, the viewport camera will rotate/orbit correctly around the selected subobject but not in UVW Unwrap. In MAX 8 I can rotate the viewport camera around a selected subobject while in UVW Unwrap, but in MAX 2008, rotating the viewport camera around a selected subobject while in UVW Unwrap will not work.

Thank you in advance.


  • SideEffect
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    SideEffect polycounter lvl 19
    You mean when you frame your selection with the z button? This happened to me recently. I couldn't figure out what did it but I saved my color schemes and keyboard shortcuts then deleted my 3dsmax.ini and let it build a new one with defaults when I started it up again. After that the problem was fixed.

    Edit: Also I think it started to happen after I installed a plugin, don't remember which one though.
  • Todd Dinosaur
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    Todd Dinosaur polycounter lvl 18
    Naw that not it. Everyone here at work has the same issue, but they don’t do much UVunwraping so they don’t mind the change.

    Let’s say I have an object that is an editable poly. I open that editable poly and select a few edges, I then press Alt+Scroll wheel and rotate the viewport camera. The viewport camera pivots around the selected edges, as it should when “Arc Rotate Subobject” is active. Now I go into Subobject mode of UVW Unwrap modifier and the viewport camera will not pivot around any of the edges I have selected.
  • SideEffect
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    SideEffect polycounter lvl 19
    oh wow I feel stupid now. I never knew that feature existed and I guess I must have changed it by accident and thought it was a glitch haha.

    Unfortunately I still don't know how to fix your problem.
    I'm using Max 2009 and it seems to be working fine for me switching between Orbit/Orbit Selected/Orbit Sub-Object. Works in both viewport selections and edit uvs window selections.

    Hope someone knows the answer man cause I know how annoying that can be when your viewport isn't rotating right. Especially when you're doing UVs.
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