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great project looking for talent! *3d Character modeler and 2D artist needed*

*All positions filled At the moment. Will repost when new positions open*
Grin Rippa' Group [Team Name]


Hello everyone at Polycount. My name is Francis Joaquin and I am a passionate game enthusiast. I have a background in Art and am in the process of obtaining my Bachelors in Game Art & Design. I am leading a team to make what I know will be a string of greatly enjoyable games. I never quit, and I never tire because this is my career choice, not just a distraction. Thank you all for your time.

We have begun production on a small project for team building purposes. This smaller project is also to build up our talent so anyone wanting to get more experience please inquire within for this project (must have at least basic knowledge in field being applied for).
Pongo! is a 3D Brick-breaker game with a few twists. Here are some screens from PONGO!


Aim - Positions are not paid. This project is aiming to make professional quality work, but is NOT holding to that. Credit and learning experience is the ultimate goal. We are going for online sales and have a full compensation policy that should satisfy everyone but the focus of this project is still learning experience and credit.

Technology - The game will be on the Unity3d engine and coded in various scripting languages but mainly javascript.

Talent Needed - I am a traditional 2D artist- but more talent is needed to complete this game. We are looking for;

3D modelers/animators /filled
3D character modeler / In need of 1 character modeler
3D environment modelers /filled
2D artists / Could really use concept artist/2D artist
Music composer/ Position filled
Programmers/ Filled
+1 programmer joins the team
+1 programmer joins the team
+1 composer joins the team
+1 sound engineer joins the team
+1 concept artist joins the team
+1 3D artist joins the team
+1 3D Character modeler joins the team

Anyone who has enough spare time to be in contact at least 2-3 times a week to give feedback and keep track on everyone's progress, and can fill in one of these positions, please contact me (me_right_now at hotmail dot com).

-Endgame Project ENDLESS- (project dub- not meaning an endless project, of course)
This project will be a follow up after Pongo and perhaps a few other small projects have been completed.

Brief Description - This project is for an action based RPG with serious undertones but a light hearted feel.
The basis of the story revolves around the existence of parallel universes and a particular pair that are aligned so closely to each other that travel between its worlds becomes possible. This sets off a number of events that threaten to destroy the people inhabiting these planets..

The scope of the game is medium to large as the list of features is still being modified and include some of the following:

Game Features/Scope

1. Players can have several parties at one time [quicker travel to far locations should the need arise]

2. 3D Graphics

3. Griever Item System

4. Active Battle System

5. Use anyone in your party as on screen avatar

6. New Game Mechanic: Battle Scouts

7. 1 on 1 encounters take place right on the world map

Some concept ART made for the ENDLESS project since its creation;
(please do not rip any of the images)





If you wish to hear more details please add/contact me at:
me_right_now at hotmail dot com (include a message, very important)

By joining Grin Rippa Group© all members agree to a non-disclosure agreement and will not release sensitive information to the general public regarding Pongo!© and any other projects that Grin Rippa Group© has established.


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