Ok I loved lego growing up.....but is anyone else not extremely impressed with the released photos so far?
I mean I'll let you guys judge. I know some people here are working on that project, So is this all REALLY early work? Or is this the direction thats pretty concrete right now?
(I did a test for these guys early last year and Im looking at the tree I did versus the ones in these screens and I dont get how I didnt qualify now)
how much is being dumped into the bricks //building block stuff?
ill probably try this game.. lol. lego was my childhood! and the real lego! not the lego they have out now... if you dont know what im talking about, go to toys r' us and check out the lego section.. its all like pre-made pieces that arent just blocks. they are all smooth and crap. its crap!
Hah, it wasn't meant as a zing! here's a clip of marketing-speak
"just making a sixteen-stud virtual LEGO brick requires twice as many three-dimensional surfaces, or polygons, as a World of Warcraft character, thanks to all its knobs, divots and underside tubes"
and yeah, I really miss the old school space set.
I mean maybe you have like a lego "workstation" area where you have a simple room that you can build whatever you want and then use that in game later compiled as a simple 3D mesh based on your primitiave stacks (Think like zbrush decimation tool based on a sillouette of a object)
and sef the first thing I thought of when I saw the screens was 'how did he NOT pass the art test?'
Mega Bloks is where it's really at!
fack my life...
So far, looking forward to this game, it being more child oriented should effectively castrate the fake dong market (Second life, anyone?) and make the game actually fun.
I think the games visual style needs some work but the ideas behind this game are amazing, ill be sure to pick it up once its out since i was really into Lego when i was a child.
Yeah man the test was extremely veg' back then
it was something along the lines of
"make it however you want, weither its high poly sub D model or low poly etc..."
So I did some homework found out it was a lego mmo , looked into MMO specs and asked a few buddies I had back at warhammer online and WOW what specs are average and I did my test based on that.
I had originally got some feedback from them saying it was good but it needed more shadows etc..I then re vertex painted and retextured it darker within 2-3 hours of that being told to me and then never heard from them again. Even after a follow up email as well..
Oh well not to dig a grave of woes deeper I just hope the game lives to higher expectations since I like legos so much
lol that was pretty awesome.
+5 It did look quite epic, I like the dark lego guys alot. Mech undead looking dudes look awesome. Matrix building car was a seller for me
Fuck yes.
I wonder if a whole generation of kids, (plus old kids), might be a larger demographic than the wow player base.
might there finally be a wow killer?
(probably not, but here`s to getting my hopes up)
Low odor- you photo bucket is broke :P
hope they get some shadows in the game? wait i see round blobs under some characters now... I will be following it
Too bad it really doesn't look good. They could've taken the shaders way further, it really wouldn't be that hard to get the look closer to the trailer. Unless they really, really need to watch out for their performance...
Yea so I say we build lego death star as well....
I wonder who builds the 1st lego penis
I think ill keep it that way.
Maybe it's because its still in Alpha/Beta? If they can put together an in game trailer that is that awesome they'll have me. But I'm a little worried about bait and switch...
Walk through footage from CES:
Looks a little better than the screens they showed off on Kotaku, but still not cinematic awesome. Also sounds... kind of cool but very very very casual.
its not like I like legos or anything....
Seriously though at first I thought this game was just gunna be something online where you could build stuff and chat with friends, kinda like Second Life or whatever, but once I saw the trailer I realized its much more epic than I ever thought! I was looking into working at Netdevil back when they were hiring because we were considering relocating, but it didnt work out. I did read that they had something like 4 tons of legos all sorted into bins at their studio...that would have been really sweet.
Trailer? That didn't seem Lego like to me. Now given, Ive never played any of the lego games.
-WTF? Lego's spontaneously coming into existence?
-Epic War? Does it always have to be a war? Why cant we like "build" man. (hippie peace sign)
-I was thinking more second life, until saw trailer.
-Where the hell is Lego ground? Lego trees, Lego flowers. Grass is just a Lego plane in green. The environment they have chosen doesn't match, and would draw me out of the game.
Given, I'm not the audience for this. But I did play that network game a few years back with some polycounters where we built Lego like structures. It was fun for such a limited idea. I cant help but thinking from what I'm seeing here, they are trying to Mimic normal MMO WOW type of play versus again, a second life.
They need to because the resolution of the bricks just doesn't lend itself well to creating all things. When one unit is as big as your players head... it just doesn't work.
It also works as a visual cue to the player as to what you can and can not interact with. See lego's you can probably build or destroy it. They do that with foliage in quite a few games. Real world foliage is a game area bounding box, lego foliage is destructible for coins.
As for the spontaneous lego generation I would imagine that is coming out of the persons inventory, much like other MMO's that don't have a visual 1:1 representation of items carried.
Finally an MMOG I might actually want to play. I can't stand the xp grinding that seems to be such an underpinning of so many mmorpgs.
what he said.
Beta sign up
that network game has gotten some updates lately: