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[WIP] Practice Character

polycounter lvl 9
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resistance21 polycounter lvl 9
Hey guys

Ive been doing 3D for a while now but haven't really done any big projects,
so i though i would try modeling a character of some random concept form the internet to see how i go using someone else's concepts since everything else Ive done has pretty much been my own designs.

so i started this character today.


And these are the concepts I'm using.



I know its not much to show but i have more of a question that i need answering so i though might as well post the model up to see if there is any problems or bad habits people might notice before i get into more detail with it.

Anyway my questions is that when looking at a concept like this how much of the over all detail should i be making straight into the model and how much should i be leaving to be added in with my normal map that i make later in a sculpting program?

Thanks for any responses people might have.


  • Gallows
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    Gallows polycounter lvl 9
    It needs a lot of work to make that character pop. One useful thing I've always done is find a basic human model and import it in, and match up your edge loops to mimic how it stands. Right now, especially in the side view, he looks extremely stiff. With something that's a bit human, you have to remember even in armor they have a flow to how they stand and are structured. Right in the middle though, one of your edge loops just stops completely, at this point I'd say back track a bit and try to define your edges a lot more before adding that much detail. Keep working on it! You can tell you're off to a good start, there's just areas that need improvement.
  • resistance21
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    resistance21 polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for the replay Gallows.

    That edge loop you're talking about which I'm guessing is the one on the stomach does actually join up it just the way it rendered.

    Also I'm still working in its form, the post was more about the normal map question that just came to me while i was looking at the concept on deciding on how much detail should be in the model such as the over lapping armor plats on the boot and the 3 dashes on the shin plate or should that be left for the normal map?
  • Gallows
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    Gallows polycounter lvl 9
    Wow, sorry I just jumped right to crits! I'd say focus on massing out each of the armor pieces, obvious things like the shoulder pads, chest plate, leg plating, etc. The things I'd work on in the normal maps and the high poly model would be those thin streaks separating the armor.
  • resistance21
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    resistance21 polycounter lvl 9
    Cool thanks that give me a clearer outlook on what parts i should be focusing on.
  • Micah
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    Micah polygon
    resistance21: I know your only blocking in at the moment but make sure you get that bend in the back because you model at the moment looks very stiff and also make sure to follow your concept well because at the moment your arms aren't placed right and your feet aren't shaped right.
    Other than that your off to a good start.

  • resistance21
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    resistance21 polycounter lvl 9
    So yeah did a bit more work on the model today not to much but though might as well throw up some renders and see when people think so far.

    If you didn't see the concepts are on the first post.

    anyway any feedback is cool.



  • Mark Dygert
    Getting better keep it up =)
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