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Group that formed modern Capitol Punishment now says "US Court System doesn't work"



  • EarthQuake
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    Ben, having an opinion is great, having a strong opinion is great, but this constant belittling of people, you made about 5 posts in a row before anyone could even respond to you generalizing all polycounters as prison-rape-loving-ignorant-scum, when in fact these wild assumptions show your ignorance just as much. I generally agree with what you're saying here, but you need to take the spite and trolling out of it.

    You love iceland or whatever, we get it, but you act as if wishful thinking will save us all, and that we're the worst people in the world simple because *we dont live in iceland*. Its getting very old.
  • Snefer
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    Snefer polycounter lvl 16
    ElysiumGX wrote: »
    You disgusting insane American pig monsters! How dare you support the death penalty. I hope you die!

    Move to Iceland, where we know how to go bankrupt properly.

    Because american banks are not good enough at bankruptcy? :P *cough*heylookfinancialcrisis!*cough*

    It's not just the death penalty, its the entire penal system.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    danshewan wrote: »
    I think this is probably the most misunderstood point regarding capital punishment - it's a punishment, not a deterrent. Is there any truly effective deterrent for criminals? It's been proven that the death penalty does nothing to deter 'hard' criminals, so to insist on viewing it as a deterrent and criticizing it on those terms is pretty futile.

    I have to dig up the link, but the short answer is yes. It's a form of justice where the entire process is done with the victim (or similar victims). It puts a face on the crime to the criminal, showing them exactly what their actions created, and the punishment is always something related. Rather than rotting behind bars in a violent prison, they have to do something toward helping victims of similar crimes. It had unbelievably low recidivism rates, the victims and victim families show much higher psychological happiness with the outcome, and other random people were helped directly from the actions. It was even done in America, but it cost a bit more than just locking someone away, and it appears as being "soft on crime" despite having superior results, and has been abandoned in all but super small jurisdictions.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Snefer wrote: »

  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    Ben, having an opinion is great, having a strong opinion is great, but this constant belittling of people, you made about 5 posts in a row before anyone could even respond to you generalizing all polycounters as prison-rape-loving-ignorant-scum, when in fact these wild assumptions show your ignorance just as much. I generally agree with what you're saying here, but you need to take the spite and trolling out of it.

    You love iceland or whatever, we get it, but you act as if wishful thinking will save us all, and that we're the worst people in the world simple because *we dont live in iceland*. Its getting very old.

    I can promise you I'm at least 100x more tired of reading about the disgusting abuses of human rights in the US than you are of my posts pointing them out.

    There are plenty of countries (mostly in scandinavia, but also in mainland europe) that have suprior systems to the US, but I've only lived in Germany and Iceland, so those are the only two I can draw direct comparisons with. If you think my message is "move to Europe" instead of "stop being ignorant shits who vote republican or corporatist democrats", then work on your reading comprehension.

    I mean, if anything is worth getting incredibly emotionally upset about, isn't the torture and rape of hundreds of thousands of my fellow countrymen it? How would you suggest going about discussing this politely?
  • EarthQuake
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    Again, i never said i disagreed with your message here, and it is a complex problem without any obvious answer, but all screaming from the top of your lungs does is make you look like the crazy homeless guy on the corner with a sign strapped to him saying THE END IS NEAR. Disregard for any sense of civility does more to polarize the discussion than to do any real good.
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    speaking of the justice system: only 3 more months of jury duty.... only 3 more months of jury duty.... only 3 more months of jury duty....
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    Snefer wrote: »

  • hobodactyl
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    hobodactyl polycounter lvl 18
    I can promise you I'm at least 100x more tired of reading about the disgusting abuses of human rights in the US than you are of my posts pointing them out.

    There are plenty of countries (mostly in scandinavia, but also in mainland europe) that have suprior systems to the US, but I've only lived in Germany and Iceland, so those are the only two I can draw direct comparisons with. If you think my message is "move to Europe" instead of "stop being ignorant shits who vote republican or corporatist democrats", then work on your reading comprehension.

    I mean, if anything is worth getting incredibly emotionally upset about, isn't the torture and rape of hundreds of thousands of my fellow countrymen it? How would you suggest going about discussing this politely?

    Ben just takes the time to type out how I feel :P Unfortunately he has to pump out a lot of info to counter the vitriol that has built up in people's minds about what they think they know about our country. His compassion for other people, regardless of how heinous they may or may not be, shows a much stronger character than all the cowards that think if we just KILL ALL THE BAD PEOPLE THEY'LL EVENTUALLY GET THE MESSAGE.
  • fattkid
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    fattkid polycounter lvl 15
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    and i fully agree that Flaagan should be thrown into a lenthy and really, really unpleasant prison sentence for typing a sentence

    and for that matter, i ... ch ... ch ... shit, hang on ... fluurgh ... sorry, i just belched a bit of sick up
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    danr wrote: »
    and i fully agree that Flaagan should be thrown into a lenthy and really, really unpleasant prison sentence for typing a sentence

    and for that matter, i ... ch ... ch ... shit, hang on ... fluurgh ... sorry, i just belched a bit of sick up

    You're right, no one should wish a US prison sentence on anyone. I hang my head in shame at considering it. I'm the monster I rail against.
  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    our prison system is really fucked. But... its more of the social influence thats a problem though. I used to help out with guys in halfway houses to help them stay on a good path. I've probably helped a couple dozen guys get their GED or get a chance to calm down and change their mindset on life.

    You can show someone here how to go about things the right way, but once they get out of prison and head back to their homes they simply turn back into what they were before. The communities where most inmates come from are so broken its hard for an individual to stay clear of breaking some law. It doesn't help that there is a culture that in a way is barbaric. Commiting crimes is a sign of strength and power. Sadly most of the guys I helped simply went back to prison.

    The fact that there is so much money for them to make in crime its really hard to convince them any other way of life is better. Lots of it have to do that we outsource our jobs, immigrants taking lots of jobs that could be filled *although lots of people refuse to work for the wages they make*. Its like a kid.. leave him alone with nothing to do and he'll most likely do something he's not susposed to.. but give him chores and things will be fine. Give most individuals a job that can keep them occupied and it could help a lot.

    Then theres education. I came from a small town so I was lucky enough to have a school that was able to give each student enough attention to prosper. Then I moved to LA and saw a clusterfuck called public education. The bigger cities really need help and giving enough atttention to each student to make sure they come and get the education is a huge problem to tackle. Add in the fact that not all parents are perfect enough to keep an eye on the child 24/7 to ensure the're in school and not getting in trouble. Even with good parents, kids still do that.

    There are plenty of americans that try to help fix the system, but it has so many faces its hard. And without the help of politicians to attack the more serious issues, its always going to be a problem. Every politician is like the rest and just does what they can to make them more money. As long as we're not having a revolution, things are fine to them. Go on tv and talk about change, hope and the american way can be good enough to keep people hanging on.

    But onto the death penalty... i think everyone thats affected by a major crime feels rage and anger at some point. They might support it, but with some time and thought it isnt' supported most of the time. Personally I can't support it. I'm not really religious so that has no influence, but its more the fact that the Eye for an Eye is outdated. People laugh and ridicule how old and barbaric that system is yet we're still doing it in some sense. In a few hundred years I'm sure future cultures will look back at us and cringe of how primitive we were on justice.

    anyways, I've lost my train of though. :poly142:

    Poop.. you may hate america, but there are plenty of people who try to fix the system. Most of it can't be fixed but rather just give a temporary spit shine here and there. Whatever they can do to help. it would almost be easier to have a revolution and restart the country than to have the gov try and correct all the issues tied to our justice,education and social problems. It seems our country tried to grow too fast and take on too much at once. If other countries that have had time to learn from mistakes * like from europe* could influence more I think it could be a great benefit for all.

    I think too many times people just see the face of america and cringe on how evil,fat and ignorant we are. If you look deep enough into the heart you'll find that we're just as deeply concerned about the same issues.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Oobersli, first off I agree with almost everything you are saying. :)
    The fact that there is so much money for them to make in crime its really hard to convince them any other way of life is better. Lots of it have to do that we outsource our jobs, immigrants taking lots of jobs that could be filled *although lots of people refuse to work for the wages they make*.
    But isn't that part of the victim mentality, I knew a few folks growing up that would rather steal then make minimum wage slinging a burger. They feel they deserve more or they are owed something so they just take it, whether it be stolen from someone that worked for it or not. I'm not trying to be high and mighty but yes I agree some folks will fall through the cracks but I feel the mentality of the people needs to change first before we'll see any headway in countrywide changes. People need to quit acting the victim and stand up for themselves, help others out less fortunate. Whether that's schooling, housing, etc. Similiar to poops post above I wouldn't mind paying a little higher taxes for rehabilitation services for criminals but they also need to want it and the mentality needs to change. This isn't just for prison stuff though, the I got scalded by Hot Coffee so I can sue and get millions of dollars is part of this victim mentality too; it needs to be turned around where instead of everyone thinking they are owed something by the majority we should be the individuals dealing out help (which it sounds as you are which is cool)

    Myself instead of turning to crime I joined the military, now I won't say the military is an option for everyone, it gave me a trade. I picked up an IT career I worked at 11 years that put me through college for four years and made me a comfortable living. It's also allowed me to persue my dream as an artist. There's always an option.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    You're acting like a 10 year old has full mental capacity to determine what his actions will affect on a 20 year outlook. Most adults can't even do that.

    Imagine you're born in a ghetto. The adults you see working real jobs are barely making do with the stagnant minimum wage, barely affording crappy cars, working 2 or even 3 jobs, living in shit apartments. Then the gang bangers are rocking brand new clothes, all the power in the neighborhood, everyone looks up to them, they have nice cars and whatever they want. That's a powerful influence to expect people to overcome, and you can't say with 100% certainly you would have chosen the legit path.

    Because of the stagnant wages, because of the low social mobility, because of the lack of healthcare and housing, you create these dichotomies. This is even skipping over the kids who actually have the choice, there are kids who have their sisters raped on film and shown to them if they refuse to join a gang. The entire system is broken.

    It's not about entitlement, it's about creating real options for people to actually "go legit" and not have to eat shit on a stick their entire lives, but that's going to take a lot more than just prison reform. It's about decoupling property tax from schooling and standardizing school funding. It's about raising minimum wage to a living wage (ala Thomas Paine, the only good founding father). It's about creating UHC, real public transportation, and affordable higher education. It's about removing the racism from the US judicial system (crack vs cocaine penalties, for example). It's about creating a separate internal affairs for the police that's fully antonymous so they can actually inspect police abuses.Get rid of the 3 strikes law. End the "War on Drugs".

    None of these things are going to happen though. Depressing shit.
  • [Deleted User]
    I agree with so many of your points, mathis, and yet you still manage to come across as a flamebaiting hypocrite. You rail against stereotypes in one thread and bash all Americans in another, you use the word ignorant every other post and then make broad generalizations the next. Are you so sure that every American is an asshole that you had to move to Germany just to convince yourself that you were never a part of that group
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    the I got scalded by Hot Coffee so I can sue and get millions of dollars is part of this victim mentality too;

    she got hundreds of thousands of dollars and had medical bills over a hundred thousand and she had her VAGINA MELTED SHUT WITH THIRD DEGREE BURNS while the McDonalds was repeatedly violating health code citations that they had been issued.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Ghostscape wrote: »
    she got hundreds of thousands of dollars and had medical bills over a hundred thousand and she had her VAGINA MELTED SHUT WITH THIRD DEGREE BURNS while the McDonalds was repeatedly violating health code citations that they had been issued.

    Poor choice I guess, point stands though. 2.86million judgement reduced to 640k.

    I know it sounds pedantic but lack of common sense and poor decisions on her part don't make me feel bad for her. I feel empathy that she had severe burns, and had lots of bills.. but yes, 3rd degree burns suck. Yes, McDonalds shouldn't use scolding hot coffee.

    I worked there for four years in high school until I could join the military 'because' I didn't want to resort to crime when I was younger to get money like my friends did that were selling weed... I burned myself with their coffee many times when the cup would fall over while pouring, etc.. got a nice little scar too... but anyway..

    She purchased 'hot' coffee she chose to put that coffee inbetween her legs to put the cream and sugar in the coffee. Why didn't she put it in the cup holder? Does the car not have one? It's hot coffee after all... Why didn't she also sue the car manufacturer for not supplying ample coffee cup holders..? I'm not saying McD's isn't at fault, but there is shared blame all around.

    Lets get back to jail talk then. :) Bad example.
  • Mark Dygert
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    EarthQuake wrote: »
    Again, i never said i disagreed with your message here, and it is a complex problem without any obvious answer, but all screaming from the top of your lungs does is make you look like the crazy homeless guy on the corner with a sign strapped to him saying THE END IS NEAR. Disregard for any sense of civility does more to polarize the discussion than to do any real good.
    Agreed x10.

    For someone who shouts for civility... Ben is the least civil person I know on these boards. He appears to be just as blood thirsty, riotously indignant and rabid as the fictitious people he rails against. I'm all for debate of civil issues as long as its done with a little civility...

    I agree with most of what he has to say but the way he says it, not going to win anyone over. It's like its designed to do the opposite just so he has a chew toy to devour.

    Ben, STFU and learn to be civil, think before you type. For fucks sake...
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 18
    Hmm... Vig/EQ/Other guys telling Ben to settle down, you have a point. That said, if you spend any time or effort actually learning about things like this, with the intent of trying to help people, only to find out that people are too blatantly stupid to be helped, or even listen, you may understand his reactions.

    It's incredibly frustrating to want to change things for the better, have put the time in to understand the problems and possible solutions, only to have it all shut down by a bunch of asshats with religiously held convictions based on absolutely nothing substantial.

    Seriously, people saying they are "Pro death penalty" in this thread have not given one single decent reason for being that way. Yet their's are the opinions that help to sway politics.

    I think that eventually that frusteration usually leads to getting rightiously pissed, like Ben, or just giving up and letting humanity destroy itself.

    Not saying I think that it's good to get so worked up, just why it happens. :)

  • Zack Fowler
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    Zack Fowler polycounter lvl 11
    I'm with EQ as well. As legitimate and backed by research as the points are, the abundance of vitriol here is pretty ridiculous. It puts people on the defensive and makes personal pride as much (if not more so) the focus of discussion as the real issue.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Ben is silly. So is everyone arguing against him.

    The system is obviously hugely flawed, anyone who doesnt see that is an imbecile or holding on to some bizarrely misplaced patriotic sentiment. The notion that it can or should be just changed on a dime, if changed at all, is equally ridiculous.

    Big countries have problems.

    Big countries intrinsically attached to an inch by inch, erratic, incremental democratic system for change are going to have problems for a long time, and some are going to be solved incredibly slowly, or never.

    The silly ghetto 'oh dear, black people!' argument Ben put forth is both completely true -- anyone who thinks people growing up in those situations have the option or the obligation to make the same social choices as everyone else is ridiculous -- and completely false, showing a complete lack of understanding of the social issues that lead to impoverished (primarily black) youth to rebel in the most literal sense against american authority.

    This is an argument between a well informed person who is completely biased and wrong based on ridiculous sentimental reasons and gross misinterpretations (argument from personal incredulity) and a bunch of people too lazy to even look up the issue they're arguing who still want to throw their hats in. If anyone here, except the couple of you making short sarcastic quips, thinks you're discussing anything of validity and intelligence you need to shut the fuck up and draw more.

    Threads like this on polycount are universally worthless, why is it everyone knows this but thinks THEY are the one poster worth being listened to about an issue they hardly understand and cannot properly dscuss?
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 18
    SupRore wrote: »
    Threads like this on polycount are universally worthless, why is it everyone knows this but thinks THEY are the one poster worth being listened to about an issue they hardly understand and cannot properly dscuss?

    So I guess we should all just ignore your post and keep posting based on that argument, yea? ;)
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    I love you guys.
  • EarthQuake
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    Tulk, you speak of the frustration of these sort of issues, but can i ask if you have actively done anything about it? Writen senators/congressmen etc about these issues? I feel a lot of people who complain about this stuff and act like there is some big movement to fix all the problems with our country can barely be assed to google some articles and post them on a forum, let alone take real action.

    I myself will admit that while i do believe the system is fucked, i have really done nothing other than voting for who i think has the best chance of helping. No real action.... So tell me this, for all of your frustration, what have you *actually* done to try and help the problem?

    If you're actually active in this sort of thing, you are a much better man than be, but to sit and complain about inaction on an internet forum is just assinine. And that is a big problem with our society currently, there are a lot of people who can complain about shit on the internet, but to actually try and create real change through the available channels is way too much to ask. Especially complaining on the internet to what amounts to a mass of generally like-minded people.
  • EarthQuake
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    Just to clarify, i'm not trying to make a personal attack with the above, but anyone with google can be "more informed" than the general populace, but that isnt going to win you a gold star from me. Simply being more informed is worthless unless you actually take action, and more importantly, inaction from those who do proclaim themselves as "more informed" to me is the biggest sin of all, and one i am surely guilty of as well.

    [edit] Nevermind my rants here, posting in a closed thread, waiting for a specific response! lol
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