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Kizzywink's Outlook

polycounter lvl 12
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turpedo polycounter lvl 12
Hey guys,

This is a environment that I worked on base off of my concept. I didn't exactly replicate everything that my concept showed. I really wanted to push the shapes and colors further than what my concept showed. This scene is rendered in UDK using diffuse and specular maps. I'm still playing around with the lighting, I am getting some weird shadow going on in the foreground that I still need to fix. If there are any suggestions I would love to hear from you guys, thanks!





  • Ben Apuna
    That's a really cool scene, great concept too. It's nice to see something stylized in UDK.

    The big bright spot on the floor under the chair is kind of blinding atm, you might want to darken that up a bit.

    I like the highlights/reflections on the orange-red bamboo?/cylinder shapes from your concept you should try to carry that over to your in engine scene.

    The telescope needs some more specular highlights as well to help it read as metal.

    Hmm... the more I look at it, I think you should try to carry over as much of the specular highlights from your concept as you can to help all the shapes and materials read better.

    I also think you could round out all of your cylinder shapes (especially the telescope) with some more triangles, it is UDK after all, why skimp on the triangle count? Unless you like the low poly look.

    Other than that your scene is looking great :)
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    When I saw this in WAYWO, I actually thought they were both 2D concepts. :p Really nice colors in this, but the various materials need more pop, I think. Overall the scene reads a bit flat. I think some stronger highlighting would help, especially with the strength of the central light.
  • 00Zero
    hey nice. how bout adding a loop or two for each segment on the lager pieces of bamboo and scale them in. so that it bows in a little for each segment like in the concept. it would look better than just straight. at least for the big ones.
  • tinokun
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    tinokun polycounter lvl 11
    wow! this is amazing. at first glance, i thought they were both drawings. good luck on getting it the way you want. :)
  • Nizza_waaarg
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    Nizza_waaarg polycounter lvl 15
    lighter hand-rail ropes. and gotta get those machines in there... maybe, not sure about them now :P

    looks great man :)

    similar to what00zero said (but different idea), would it work with some kindof weird lens distortion so the edges of everything kindof curve inwards a little (is that camera depth?).
    dunno, most of it's looking fine as is but the top and bottom of the image seem really straight... bit of curviness is always cool :P
  • turpedo
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    turpedo polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks everyone for your input. These are all really helpful critiques, im trying to fix them right now.

    Does anyone know how to get that lens distortion effect in UDK?
  • turpedo
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    turpedo polycounter lvl 12
    Hey guys, heres another update.

    I also just noticed that I named the post wrong. Was off by one letter compared to my sign haha, oh wells.

  • Ben Apuna
    The highlights are looking better.

    Now it's a bit harder to read the sign.

    I think you're loosing the sense of roundness on the observatory doors that you have in your concept, hopefully you can get some of that back by playing with the camera's fov setting.

    You can add a custom camera to your scene then edit it's FOVAngle setting to get closer to your concept. Then you make the camera active when you play the level with kismet, this tutorial should get you up and running.
  • natetheartist
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    natetheartist polycounter lvl 9
    great color balance!

    What engine is this in?
  • turpedo
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    turpedo polycounter lvl 12
    Ben Apuna - Thanks for all the feedback and the tutorial. I'll definitely take a look at it. Worst comes to worst I might just bend modifier it up lol. Would be a real pain doing all of that after everything is in place though.

    Natetheartist - Thanks, this scene is rendered in UDK.


    -Slight angle turn
    -Made the telescope at a more realistic angle
    -A couple more lighting changes

  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    It could be me... but it almost feels like its TOO contrasty... if that makes sense.

    Your darks are realllly dark as well (could be my monitor though) which I think is giving this piece a weird vibe... its dark, but I don't neccesarly think it should "feel" dark... Instead of those dark dark colours, why not try working in some blues / purples into the shadows a bit more.

    Also looks like you painted some highlights on the piece, or is that through UDK? If so... bad... assss!!!
  • Ben Apuna
    Looking great,

    I still think you should round out the geometry some more, the ropes, telescope, pathway, and bases of the rope posts are standing out to me right now. With some smoother angles here and there you could really pass this off as concept art then blow peoples minds with a wireframe shot.

    The telescope seems to be missing some self shadowing action on the sides that should be going on. It almost looks as if it's glowing next to the relatively dark areas of the rest of the observatory.

    Ever thought of doing a nighttime version?
  • System
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    System admin
    Nice style. Everything seems to fit apart from the brown floorboards, in the reference they lead to a circular area which is the same colour but in the 3d scene it's a wierd purple colour.
  • MrMachete
    It's meant to be low poly like the WoW artwork i'm guessing Ben, I think that's the kind of style he's going for.
  • Nizza_waaarg
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    Nizza_waaarg polycounter lvl 15
    awsome, love the new dynamic camera angle :)

    gotta second the contrasty, super saturated comment, little overwhelming atm. Maybe just gradually desaturating things as they move further out from the focal point (chair). Tho i don't know if you can do it easily in unreal (post process volumes and adjustings mebbe?).

    looking dope man *saves to folder*
  • turpedo
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    turpedo polycounter lvl 12
    JasonLavoie - Hi Jason, it does appear to be really contrasty. I just got done testing it on different monitors. I toned the saturation and contrast down a bit. Everything you see is in UDK except a sharpen filter in photoshop.

    Ben Apuna - I actually had the material of the telescope brightened up a tid bit. I took it back down to match the surroundings, thanks for the catch :).

    GCMP - Ya I hear ya. While converting it into 3d, I decided that I wanted the walkway to be made from a different material as if they had a bunch of bridged walkways that they would place everywhere.

    MrMachete - Yup yup!

    Nizzawarg - Thanks buddy! About the post processing thing, I had no idea how to do that lol. Sounds like a cool idea though.

    Heres another update. I toned the saturation and contrast down.

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