My last one is easy so I am kicking it up a notch. This one first hit theatres in 1942. The name of the movie is important - bonus points for naming the actors that this dialogue is between.
10,000 volts went through his body.
I beg your pardon?
He got 10,000 volts!
Well thats enough to elect anybody. The guy should be president.
Naaah not that kind.
What kind?
Thats what I said, he got 10,000.
You know what volts are...
They're what?
That's right.
What did I say?
Volts are watts.
Well go ahead and tell me.
You just said it.
I just asked you to tell me what I said, what'd I say?
Volts are watts!
Volts are what!?
I'm asking you whats volt!
Thats right!
Don't try to twist me now whaddya talking about?
Watts! Watts! Watts! Watts!
What? What? What? What?
What's volts?
Thats right.
Well go ahead and tell me...
Well thats it.
What are volts?
Thats right
I'm asking ya!
Whats are volts.
Thats right.
Next thing you know you're going to be telling me What's on second base! Thats enough! I quit!
I actually have no idea if that was a movie proper, but this conversation definitely gave me the same vibe.
I watched these when I was a kid..we had them on Betamax... yes I am that old
Meet the Wolfman is also in correct.
So that this doesn't turn in to a guessing game, here's the clip from the movie that has this conversation in it. If you click on the Youtube link you'll end up finding out the name of the movie. So watch the clip first and see if it stirs any memories before cheating
What happens when I've stumped you lot? Do I get a cookie?