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I'm either going to cry, break something (possibly part of my own body), or go insane



  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
    Ok file this under 'Emo'.

    Last couple of weeks, maybe month or so I've been having a very hard time doing anything at all worth talking about when it comes to game art.

    It's driving me crazy, I see so much that inspires me, so much that motivates me, but the last 3 projects I've started, I've just scrapped and deleted in rage.

    Up until now, I'd worked my ass off, every spare second I had I was learning, practicing, doing portfolio work because my dream is the same as many on here... to get employed as a game artist.

    I have no idea what it is, and at the risk of sounding utterly pitiful, it's actually like a depression. I just can't get into anything.

    I tried a chopper, after being incredibly impressed and inspired by Xoliuls incredible work and what his shader can do on vehicles. I got a half-assed Hi-Poly done, got some great crit, started another and just gave up and scrapped it.

    So I thought, ok lets try a WoW style environment. Couldn't produce anything of real interest in Max, rushed into the painting, made it look crap, gave it a rest for a bit, came back, still sucked, deleted.

    So I found a reference I liked of an environment, started blocking it out, and again, thought it sucked so gave up.

    I know for a fact these symptoms are suffered by many, but I just feel so shitty right now that I'm not sure how to get through it and start doing stuff I enjoy again.

    Something else that makes this feeling 10 times worse is that ever since I started getting into game based 3D work, I've felt like I'm up against the clock. I'm now 25, and I feel like each day is a ticking clock where I gotta get myself up to a decent standard as soon as possible.

    Feel free to offer e-hugs or kicks up the ass in the comments below.

    ya it happens. The trick is "as someone suggusted" not to delete your work even if its crappy, either do it repeatedly until you actually get to the point where your crappy work starts making sense, OR, save it for futher reference.

    If you are independent learner and do self-pace learning, and if you are not working for any game studio at the moment. Keep this in your mind that you are not working against the clock. A detailed model would require alot of time as well as rendering. So my suggustion to you is whenever you have enough of 3d arts, take a break, play a video game or go out, watch movie and so on.

    *I read in free time* *Or take 10 mins to go out and have a smoke*

    Never stress over your work or else your work will stress over you. In other words if you stress over your work you will lack the attention that is required for your work and eventually your work will turn out to be crappy. So taking a break is the way to go.

    So My Suggustions:

    -Take a break.
    -Save your work even if its crappy.
    -Go over your crappy work so you will know where you have mistaken.
    -Ask for advice.

    Please dont shoot yourself.
  • psychoticprankster
    You can't walk while laying down, or unbalanced, even though you're making the right motions.

    Stop being so greedy. What you want isn't earned buy passionate complaining. Stop looking so far ahead and focus.
    I agree with Killing people.
  • Rens
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    When i get sad, i stop being sad and be awesome in stead, true story.
  • MALicivs
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    MALicivs polycounter lvl 15
    I agree with Killing people.

    you have any idea how weird that sounds? :P
  • Tom Ellis
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    Just had a chance to read through all the replies. Thanks so much to everyone, it's great to get a perspective from people in different situations, and it's pleasing to know the the advice is generally the same.

    I do apologize for getting all personal and blog-like on PC where I understand it doesn't belong.

    I think this whole 'against the clock' thing is my biggest problem and I'm now gonna shun that thought straight away. It leads me to rush work and that just ruins everything, and causes even more problems when I'm trying to tackle a project more advanced than stuff I've tried before.

    So I took a few days out, and last night started a new project which will be another environment, but built piece by piece, starting small. Working on smaller assets and taking the time to get them right should help get me in the right frame of mind to start more challenging stuff so I can work for a few hours and not expect to complete a mind blowing piece in a single evening.

    Just clearing my head while working is helping a lot, I feel like I can keep tweaking stuff till I get it how I want rather than just rushing through, saying 'meh looks ok to me' and moving on.

    I'll put some stuff up in P&P when I get something worth posting for crit... I'm in no rush though :D

    Many thanks again to everyone.
  • DrunkShaman
    Offline / Send Message
    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
    Also..before starting a project, use pencil and piece of paper for your idea. Write or draw it. Even if you are a crappy drawer it will help you paceup your project.

    Good luck
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