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so I was like totally sitting here then BAM Im down under.

polycounter lvl 14
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ChrisG polycounter lvl 14
Me and my friend who happens to be a girl are off to oz on the 27th, starting in Sydney (there for a week or a month depending on monies) but is there any places to avoid at all costs? dodgy areas where bogans would shove utes up our ass's.

We are going west as its less full of shitty English people, to Perth having a gander there up the west coast hop along over to cairns (going to places in between obviously) then down the east coast back to Sydney all in 6 months! In time for me to start uni in sep.

Any other advice and swizzle would be grand.



  • electric_geisha

    Well places to avoid utes up your ass hmmmm lol Perth is ok but pretty small and uncultured ( I live 3 hrs away) make sure you get down to Margaret River and if you are looking for work you should be able to get some in the vines for sure. Vinepower is the name of one of the employment places there... Sydney rocks I lived most my life there it is the major Australian city and has all things you look for in a city... what are you guys into?
  • ChrisG
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    ChrisG polycounter lvl 14
    hey geisha, we are game for almost anything (activities,not some weird sexual acts, well I am shes not so much). Not so much clubbing as we arent so much a fan of deafening music and peoples sweaty armpits but we want to cram as much in as possible so yer erm sweet!

    We found the English lodge in Sydney (backpackers/travelers accommodation) we're gonna go check it out the day after we land. Its in petersham which I was told by my mums friend (an ausie) was a bad area but is better now. Also I was told to avoid kings cross because of the prossies and such and redfern because its a bad mofo.
    We havent decided about how long we're going to stay it depends if we find a job and Im not sure how likely that is.
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    chrizz1 wrote: »
    Any other advice and swizzle would be grand.

  • ChrisG
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    ChrisG polycounter lvl 14
  • achmedthesnake
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    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17
    perth! meh smelly and hot not too mention people like electric_geisha :P

    Syd's not bad, you could do the basic stuff like touristy stuff - the harbor bridge climb (book early), opera house etc...or go to the beach/es - but i'm not sure how your pasty-english moon-tans will handle the sun :D

    (for cg/games jobs try looking up 'Team Bondi" studio as well as the warner bro's studio they have in syd (i think, or is it disney?)

    oh..and don't talk about the brits and cricket - or you'll get shiv'd(stabbed) by the first auzzie passer by....
  • ChrisG
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    ChrisG polycounter lvl 14
    I'll bear that in mind achmed! but I have fairly dark skin (people think im spainish- Im not sure if thats a complement or not :S) so sun is not that much of an issus for me but bring on the sun cream!

    We were looking to do other stuff aswell as the basic touristy things (I hate to be a tourist, like cant stand to be one, Im abit odd like that)

    Dont worry I dont give two flying shits about cricket nor rubgy so I think Im covered there!
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    for cg/games jobs try looking up 'Team Bondi
    I'd avoid Team Bondi. Sydney is all about film and TV production. You'll need to head to Brisbane or Melbourne if you're looking for games jobs though there aren't many to be had. Given you're on holidays this is probably a moot point.

    Can't help you much with what to see and do in Sydney. I could ask around some of my crew though.
  • ChrisG
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    ChrisG polycounter lvl 14
    It would be awesome to have the opportunity but I'm only around for 6 months in total so I doubt its viable.

    Jackablade it would be most excellent of you to ask around, smiles faces all round!
  • sampson
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    sampson polycounter lvl 9
    In sydney - there's a few dodgy area's, but they make themselves clear by just looking around you....

    @Jackablade - i actually have a friend who works at team bondi, but havent really heard much about it....
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Also make sure you always put your beer mug or glass upside down on the bar or your table when you are done with it.
  • Nizza_waaarg
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    Nizza_waaarg polycounter lvl 15
    lol :P

    umm, i'd be more worried about other things being shoved up asses in sydney :P (no, it's really an ok place).

    I'd give the west coast a miss as it's kindof a hole (imo anyway). Maybe head up to qld and drive around a bit, is kindof humid up there is all.

    And melbourne > everywhere else :poly142:
  • ChrisG
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    ChrisG polycounter lvl 14
    sampson- i shall l have my wits about me!

    Jesse- I know what that means and WILL be doing it at every opportunity, coz im 'ard like.

    Nizza_waaarg- we are traveling right round the coast ( and abit of inland). I always heard that the east coast was the hole and the west has been untainted by tourism and fat english people.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    No, no. Adelaide is the hole. It's the decrepit no man's land between our glorious east and the untamed wilds of the west. They do make some nice wines around there though.

    You probably don't really need to travel 2000 kilometres to escape the tourists, but I guess if you really want to go bush then you're probably going the right way about it. I'll be interested to hear how it all goes. I honestly couldn't tell you what exists north of Perth. There might be dragons.
  • alphageekgirl
    Firstly, I suggest that you figure out exactly what kinds of things that you might be interested in doing... like, do you like the beach & water sports, nature stuff (zoos, bushwalking), cultural/historical things like museums etc.. Once you narrow that down, people will be able to better advise you.

    In Sydney, depending on how long you're planning to stay, I would suggest staying at one of the more reputable backpackers near Central Station. Petersham is classed as the Inner West and is about 6 stations from Central, or about 25 minutes by bus into the city. It's not a bad suburb, but it's pretty dead - just houses, and practically no shops. But staying at one of the more reputable places such as Wake Up! (right at Central Station) or Base in Kent Street in the middile of the city would ensure that you are not disappointed and you're also close to the action. (If you do a search of either of them from Google Maps, you'll see where they are located, and you'll see reviews and star ratings). Also, you will meet tons of other Brits who can give you the low-down on places they've been when you get here.

    A lot of the places that people have probably told you are dodgy, are actually no longer so. For instance, I have never had any problems traveling around alone at night in either Kings Cross or Redfern. They're just like anywhere else you travel, just make sure you are careful and that you don't look like a 'target'.

    If you're really looking for trouble though, you can head about 35kms outside most cities and you'll come across suburbs where you'll find bogans who want to shove utes up yer asses :P
  • ChrisG
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    ChrisG polycounter lvl 14
    good post agg! we are pretty much into everything you said there. I suppose you could say we like to "do stuff" and not spend days just laying on a beach tanning (although activities on the beach are always awesome)

    Wake up are another place we have been looking into but a week at the english lodge is only $280 which is the cheapest place around (divide by two- $140), we have also found quite good reviews about it. Its more of an apartment as opposite to a hostel.
    I know ther area is quiet but Im pretty sure we would prefer that over being next to a night club as neither of us really enjoy them too much.

    jackablade- its not really about escaping tourists rather than seeing everything we can as I doubt we will be back to oz for a long time and it would be a shame to not see as much as possible.

    I will see if I can find any dragons.
  • electric_geisha
    lol :P

    umm, i'd be more worried about other things being shoved up asses in sydney :P (no, it's really an ok place).

    I'd give the west coast a miss as it's kindof a hole (imo anyway). Maybe head up to qld and drive around a bit, is kindof humid up there is all.

    And melbourne > everywhere else :poly142:

    Have to agree avoid WA for things you seem to dig... it would have to be the most feral part of Australia lol I must move back to Sydney ASAP! and yes there are people like me there which may turn you off most aussie states :P
  • ChrisG
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    ChrisG polycounter lvl 14
    just tp point out we are doing an entire lap of oz, which does include both east and west coasts so Im not stuck for which coast to go to (we are there for 7ish months).
    Luckily by the time we get up north we miss the wet season so we shouldnt have tooo much trouble.
    Im really looking forward to seeing both coasts .

    Now the question is to blog or not to blog?
  • electric_geisha
    chrizz1 wrote: »
    just tp point out we are doing an entire lap of oz, which does include both east and west coasts so Im not stuck for which coast to go to (we are there for 7ish months).
    Luckily by the time we get up north we miss the wet season so we shouldnt have tooo much trouble.
    Im really looking forward to seeing both coasts .

    Now the question is to blog or not to blog?

    I would blog pics of utes and also if you get bitten by a Croc up North I feel you would get lots of hits :P

    I am off to Seattle in March can't wait! How did you get such a long Visa to Oz? Just Holiday? We would like to live in Seattle for a year I wonder how hard that would be?
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    lol :P

    umm, i'd be more worried about other things being shoved up asses in sydney :P (no, it's really an ok place).

    I'd give the west coast a miss as it's kindof a hole (imo anyway). Maybe head up to qld and drive around a bit, is kindof humid up there is all.

    And melbourne > everywhere else :poly142:
    Couldn't have put it better myself.
    The 21 years I've lived in Australia, I've never once travelled to the west coast and to be honest I've never really had any real interest in doing so.
    You didn't really mention Melbourne in your itinerary, but I would highly suggest you hit it up as it's be the best city in Australia (imo).
    If it's tourists you want to avoid, then spend less time in QLD. That place is strictly for tourism (theme parks, rad beaches, oversized pineapple, that sort of jazz).

    Best of luck with your trip, dude.
  • achmedthesnake
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    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17
    emil - melb pfftttttttttttttttttttttttt :P

    visit canberra:D ; capital of public servants, porn and fireworks.....
    no..wait they got rid of the fireworks ugh.

    ah well i just have to blow up public servants and blow up sexdolls...instead
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