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Max shortcut questions

polycount lvl 666
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PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
I've been messing alot with my max setup lately, and was wondering a few things.

Firstly, is their a quick way to erase all Maxs default shortcuts, wipe the slate clean as it were. Also isn't their any way to order shortcuts based on their assigned hotkey instead of their name, would be nice to just have a grouping of all the ones that have been assigned to something.

The other thing I'm trying to figure out is, as far as I can tell, their is no way to grow loops/rings up/down via hotkeys only can only be performed through the ui. Could someone shine some light on this if it can indeed be done via hotkey?


  • Mark Dygert
    1st, what version of max...

    2nd, you could probably turn on the MAXScript Listener and see what it spits out when you preform the grow opteration then turn that into a very simple maxscript which will let you assign a hotkey to it.

    As for the order and cleaning of keyboard shortcuts, not that I know of... seems a bit extreme. Some of the defaults are pretty logical, others aren't I've just set it up as a mish-mash of what I need and what they provide. There are some you will never be able to overwrite, they're hard coded into max =/

    They really need to rework their wonky UI and the ribbon wasn't the right direction, at all.
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    Vig wrote: »
    the ribbon wasn't the right direction, at all.

    Quoted for truth. They've tried to implement it into all of their apps with no thought to the fact that the majority of professionals employ shortcut keys over UI buttons.

    We have a dude here in the office who uses UI buttons and doesn't double click (he selects with single click and then presses enter), suffice it to say, he is slow as mollases.

    I just found out recently that Alt+L = Loop and Alt+R = Ring. I don't know about Grow, if it has a shortcut or macro.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Well to answer your question I'm on Max2009 x64 (no ribbon for me).
    I actually tried erasing the kbd files from max to see if it'd make a 'clear' file, but that just broke it :p .

    Guess I'll give a shot to writing some simple macros to take care of the loop/ring grow/shrink features.
  • Mark Dygert
    Might want to hunt around first and see if anyone has some handy maxscripts already written. I know James Haywood has a Grow/Shrink edge selection script and I'm pretty sure it can be bound to keys.

    IC also has grow and shrink, I would be surprised if it can't be bound to keys.
  • Eric Chadwick
    PolyHertz wrote: »
    is their a quick way to erase all Maxs default shortcuts, wipe the slate clean as it were.

    Also isn't their any way to order shortcuts based on their assigned hotkey instead of their name

    In Customize User Interface, Keyboard tab, there's a Reset button. Also if you use Write Keyboard Chart, you could probably load the TXT file into Excel and rearrange the order, maybe alphabetically by hotkey?
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    its not a simple ASCI file I already looked into that but instead some very old keyboard format *.KBD (Keyboard Script File Layout) that stores key sequences.
    More info here:

    I want to create some day a maxscript that overwrite certain commands with my preferred shortcuts without the need of a kbd file.
    That way I can modify shortcuts in groups together and or change behaviors using a mix of macroscripts and shortcut bindings. But also to apply or display shortcuts on the fly from any maxscript tool.
  • Eric Chadwick
    "Save" saves a kbd file, but "Write Keyboard Chart" saves a text file.
  • Mark Dygert
    humm it gives it a double extension "default.kbs.txt".
    I think that is just for users convenient personal reference. Because when you try and load it back in it's looking for a .kbs file. Maybe if you drop the .txt after editing? or can you edit a .kbs file with a standard text editor?
  • SyncViewS
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    SyncViewS polycounter lvl 13
    Vig wrote: »
    IC also has grow and shrink, I would be surprised if it can't be bound to keys.

    Of course they can, and you get the standard as well as an alternate way to grow/shrink sub selection for each sub object type.

    Thanks for the advertising :)
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