Hi there
I'm an environment and prop artist (tho i also do other stuff) and after being employed for about 2 years i want to give freelancing a try (starting in january), which is why i would be greatful for any kind of opinion and suggestions on my portfolio.
Here goes:
Thanks in advance for any critism
Here are a few things I thought of after viewing your site/work. You've got some nice work.
1. Some of your images are quite small, larger renders would be good.
2. You should put your contact information (name + email) at the top of each page and somewhere on each image rather than having a separate contact page.
3. Your website has some nice colors yet all of your gallery thumbnails are sepia toned, it seems to take attention away from your work.
4. It would be good show some texture flats and wireframe shots for your 3D work.
Good luck out there
I'll definately add some wires and texture shots then, probably by tomorrow, and i'll add the url or mail link to the pictures as well.
The thumbnails are sepia colored because, well... they were *supposed* to go colored once the mouse is hovering over them which looked pretty nice.
But... i guess it doesn't work for everyone then after all. ;
In some cases the size of the pics can't really be helped since some stuff was optimized only for wii and not hd ^^'
What i don't understand at all is having to click 3 times to see the full pic... Sorry, that kind of confuses me since 1 click does the job for me...? What do you mean?
Guess i'll be spending yet some more time on the page then after all. Thanks again for the advice and i'm happy to hear you liked it
Another thing about your thumbnails, they're cropped in a bit too much. That's always a bad idea IMHO.
Check this thread out if you haven't already. It's always a good read when working on your porfolio.
Your images work with one click for me, unless they are overlarge and firefox re-sizes them automatically. This doesn't seem to be a problem for me.
Yeah I kind of thought of that after posting Wii screenshots wouldn't authored for HD, I guess it can't be helped. Maybe with the addition of some wireframes and texture flats they will present a larger presentation image as a whole.
On the subject of freelance be sure to check this out, sadly it's a fairly accurate depiction.
The thumbs aren't sepia-ish anymore, i added a few wireframe pics and the option to just load all pics in one page... which is a little graphic-heavy, yet comfortable to view, i've changed the contact link to a direct email link instead of the extra page and i've changed the watermark on the pics to include the web adress rather than just the website name. I didn't really want to change the zooming on some of the thumbnails tho because it just didn't look good on the page.
I'm sure i've read that thread you postet once a loooooong time (years) ago. Thanks for pointing that one out, you're rigth, it's a great read when working on a portfolio.
And thanks for the warning-Vid too, well... i'll try being careful ^^;
It might be a good idea to make one gallery page with all the thumbnails together rather than breaking it up into two separate pages.
The mushroom image is gigantic! maybe downsize it by 50%.
The video I posted was really meant to be entertaining rather than helpful. There are actually a bunch of good freelance advice threads over in general discussion, you should check those out. Good luck