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intuos4 and 3ds max help

polycounter lvl 15
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Meyitzo polycounter lvl 15
Hi all,

I'm not sure this was the correct place to post but if anyone can help me with my problem it would be great.

I just recently got an intuos4 for painting in ps and want to do away with my mouse and use the tablet to model in 3dsmax also, the problem is when I use the middle button on the pen and alt to rotate the screen it doesn't seem to like it and doesn't work.

I have checked the pens options and set the button on there to act as a middle button so i'm not sure why its not working, also I had an older tablet which did work rotating in max so I know its possible.

any help on this would be great.



  • Neavah
    Good luck with this one, my tablet is the same, so I just stick with the mouse in max. :)
  • Firecracker197
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    Firecracker197 polycounter lvl 11
    maybe its the version of max you have? are you on 2010? If this is the case for everyone I'm sticking to my intous3.
  • glib
    If you have it set to the default of hover click (instead of tap to click) and are trying to middle mouse button by pressing it, then touching the tab to the tablet, that would be your problem. It will read that as a left click. You need to either hover the pen when pressing that button, or switch to tab-to-click style.

    Unless you've already had this working with an intuos3 and can't get the same behavior with a 4 with the same driver settings. In that case, nevermind.
  • Meyitzo
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    Meyitzo polycounter lvl 15
    Thanks for your help guys, I actually had more of a look in the options of the tablet and saw I can set it to mouse mode for specific applications so now it works exactly how I want.
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