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Sketchbook: Victor H

Hello everyone!

I need help real bad. I been reading threads and topics of about how schools are behind their teaching and I got the very bad end of the stick with the one I went to. The 3D Animation classes taught 3Ds Max and nothing else. The only teachers that was teaching this program was only one. The rest was up to me to learn and I am still struggling.

From what I understand that the industry is using now in their pipeline to model 3D is;
3Ds Max (or what you prefer) to make a base mesh > Zbrush for high resolution Mesh > import that into the 3Ds Max> retopo a mesh over it > ??? > bring the textures back onto the retopo mesh in 3Ds Max. Correct? I need a better understanding of this process and waiting to receive Gnomon Character Design and modeling for Next Gen Games by Vitaly Bulgarov.

I am also building a website portfolio and got it covered with Xhtml and Css and will soon be up in a week.

The only piece I have in 3D is this though.


I am serious about this, I only have a year left in this Community College and than I get the boot from my parent's house.

I need some professional guidance to get me into the industry.

I also have a hard time to start up on something because I don't know what I should start on. Should I do a Character, scene, etc.?

Critiques are very welcomed.


  • Neavah
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    Hey Victor,
    I can relate to where your coming from with school - when I was in school I had an architect teach all the modeling classes - he couldn't figure out normal mapping, so he scrapped it off the sylabus, didn't mention morph targets/blend shapes, used particle clouds etc. for modeling LP grass and trees :S (BIG headache to follow when putting in engine... ....) etc etc.

    The key for me: the vast collection of guides, referneces, books and tutorials, and peers for review and feedback.

    (my apologies for the school rant) You get what you put in. And it sucks to feel like you've spent so much money not learning what you should be - but it's a test of your drive and passion to continue to grow and learn. with that being said you should raise concern with the dean or acedemic affairs about what it is you think needs to be changed. If its anything like my school, you'll get the turnaround - but at least you tired. right? (although, from my perspective 3ds max and maya are both tools, they have almost all the same functions, gizmos, bells and whistles - as long as you learn solid priciples, you should be able to switch to any software, and with a bit of time learn the controls and do fine in both).

    One that note: my biggest reget in school was focusing on all the projects, and neglecting my portfolio. Start wokring on it now! the PC communtiy is great for cc and hopfully by the end of the year you'll have some nice stuff to show! :)

    Some good books I found in my searches:

    Zbrush character creation by scott spencer (for zbrush)

    3ds max modeling for games by andrew gahan (intro, quite basic, but shows the workflow, and touches on character, vehilce, and environement)

    and of course Genome videos, (I've got Ian Joyner's which are more advanced if you don't have a good grasp of character modeling, you may struggle with some of the gaps).

    My general workflow is creating a base mesh in max (naked) bring it into zbrush, sculpt, create the clothes, and other objects, using max if needed. retop in zbrush. bring into max weld and make 1 model. UV in max. use xnormal for baking. then textureing.

    lots of different approaches though. hope that helps, I'm sure you can shark around the forums and find other peoples workflows. :)
  • r3ppr490n
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    After reading your post, I've been browsing alot recently here and learned quite a lot like you said. I am also trying to build on my portfolio right now as well opening my website www.victorhaun.com .

    The new workflow isn't even discussed about in the classes I took. Could be my fault could be theirs but I am pushing hard to learn it.

    I now know what I want to do and that is character modeling, which is quite fun actually.

    I have thread going on in what I am doing right now.

    It isn't going to be using zbrush, because most of the edges are hard. When I start doing more organic meshes I will start using Zbrush in my workflow.

    Thank you!
  • r3ppr490n
    Offline / Send Message
    Hi everyone,

    I need a boss.

    Could someone tell me what I should create and also have a deadline?

    I can not motivate myself to do this by myself, and I think having someone on my back will push me to create 3D models.

    Please Pm me or post here if you are interested.

    Thank you.

    (please move this if it isn't in the correct thread.)
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