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dissidia final fantasy

i'm spending hours on this game (loving it), and i finally got to the "Inward Chaos" level.. the enemies in this level are FFFFFF***** IMPOSSIBLE!!! i couldn't kill any of them.. this is like the hardest game since the Battletoads :(

what makes matters worse is you have to listen to an 8-bit FF1 music in the background out of all music..

i usually play as Tidus because his moves are fast.. so anyone got this far that can share some hints? it's kinda disappointing giving up now..
- feel free to discuss the game generally..


  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    Hm. It was a fun game, I got Terra and Bartz (Buttz) to level 100 and quit. My friend broke his PsP with his face while playing the game, etc. It was an enjoyable game, story was broken and confusing, but the gameplay more than made up for it. (as for the story, I guess I can't expect much from a squaresoft fighthing game. Remember Ehrgheiz?)
  • Nizza_waaarg
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    Nizza_waaarg polycounter lvl 15
    loved this game soo much. Actually got good at playing sephiroth... i think mained squall and firion (maybe).

    inward chaos is a bitch, make sure you keep running those challenge things on the hardest you can manage to get the best gear :P

    dammit, wish my psp wasn't so dead right now :poly127:
  • achillesian
    is this one of those useless threads a mod posted about the other day?
  • dyf
    HonkyPunch: thanks, i also found the story confusing but the gameplay and the enourmous amount of items/level ups is amazing..
    i was thinking of leveling up Terra because she has long range attacks so it should be easier to win battles.. will work on that, thanks for the tip

    Nizza__waaarg: haven't cutomized my weapos a lot; i'll look for those ultimate weapons :)

    achillesian: sorry if you find it useless; i posted here because the description of this section said: "This is where all the off-topic chatter talk goes." and found a lot of not-so-"useful" threads here..
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Yupp, really awesome game! :D Loved it, played it tons... and then finally cooled off a bit when I beat the main plot :p I was basically a complete addict for QUITE a few weeks though. Squall was my best/fav character. Zidane was really awesome too.

    Very, very fun fighting system! And crazy amount of customization...!! Graphics were also lovely, of course.

    Random side note: Anyone thinking of getting this game, it goes on sale for boxing day (maybe week?) at EB Games/Gamstop Canada for $20 :P Just thought I'd pass that on, seems fairly appropriate for this thread... lol
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    is this one of those useless threads a mod posted about the other day?

    Talking about videogames here is okay. :)
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I think I'm playing it wrong, I found it a very shallow gameplay experience, and quit. Must give it a second go.
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    just picked it up the other day.. real difficult.. First time I've died 3 times in a row in a game in a long time haha(and unfortunately that was with Cecil!!)

    Am I the only one that finds myself wishing I could play as someone else from FFVII though? I feel like they've far and away played out Cloud's "poor me, why do I exist? What's the point - Oh Wait Sephiroth is bad = guess I should beat him up..." I'd love to play as maybe Yuffie.. or Cid could be cool too.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    Might have to pick this up.

    I picked up Crisis Core last year - the story is extremely confusing and might I say it, boring - detailed for a PSP romp though. I was under the impression it would offer me a glimpse of the FF7 world in their current style. Man was I disappointed.
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 17
    is this one of those useless threads a mod posted about the other day?

    stop spamming uselessnes claims
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