this is great stuff actually. Going to save this thread in my ongoing collection of good shit. The break outs are especially helpful for people who don't know how to build for modularity. Keep going!
It would also be nice for some folks if you wrote up a quick post describing the pieces and why you made some of the decisions you made with their dimensions. Cheers!
I agree with these guys this is a nice set and showing the modular pieces can really help break down the scene for people. I've been loving to see modular pieces lately since they are so useful in UE3.
they're useful in general really. Any engine that uses instancing, or even those odd-balls that don't. Modularity is a good way to not only save resources, but it cuts down on production time tremendously!
I can't think of a game engine that doesn't support modularity at the moment . We even used it in RFG... and all those buildings were destructible. Didn't use it as much as we should/could have, but nonetheless it was supported.
It would also be nice for some folks if you wrote up a quick post describing the pieces and why you made some of the decisions you made with their dimensions. Cheers!
Maybe add a foundation set into the mix unless you plan to do that with texture.
I can't think of a game engine that doesn't support modularity at the moment . We even used it in RFG... and all those buildings were destructible. Didn't use it as much as we should/could have, but nonetheless it was supported.