Is there any way to select a group of faces in the uv editor and then click a magic button and have those uv's broken off around their boarder edge only not their internal edges?
First, Convert to Edge Border, then Break UVs?
I'm pretty sure there's a "Convert selected faces to edge border" command... don't have Maya here so can't remember offhand.
There's almost certainly a way to do it through script. It's a shame that just the basic Cut UVs doesn't do this? I would have thought that would be the sensible way. Max's "break" does that and breaks off the selected elements into their own new shell (which makes sense).
In MEL, it's a fairly simple piece of code, you can drag and drop this on a shelf somewhere, it's not fully tested, but seems to work quite well on the few objects I've tried it on. But, yeah, would be nice to see this as a default behaviour.
it basically peforms the cut on all selected faces, polyMapCut -ch 1;, then it makes sure we have faces still selected ( textureWindow -e -selectInternalFaces polyTexturePlacementPanel1; ) for the final part of the script, when we stitch them back together. ( polyPerformAction "polyMergeUV -d 0.01" v 0; ). Hope this helps.
I'm pretty sure there's a "Convert selected faces to edge border" command... don't have Maya here so can't remember offhand.
There's almost certainly a way to do it through script. It's a shame that just the basic Cut UVs doesn't do this? I would have thought that would be the sensible way. Max's "break" does that and breaks off the selected elements into their own new shell (which makes sense).
Select your faces, then click on the script
it basically peforms the cut on all selected faces, polyMapCut -ch 1;, then it makes sure we have faces still selected ( textureWindow -e -selectInternalFaces polyTexturePlacementPanel1; ) for the final part of the script, when we stitch them back together. ( polyPerformAction "polyMergeUV -d 0.01" v 0; ). Hope this helps.