Hey everyone! I, like many, am a student trying to get better at 3D modeling. As such, I'm making some high-quality portfolio pieces to sculpt, texture, get running in a game engine, etc.
I just finished modeling a Terran Marine from Starcraft (I'm a sucker for space marines, not even going to try to deny it), it comes in at 2554 tris. I'm aware this is lower than the average mesh size for a sexy next-gen game, which can do 5k+ tris, but I figure it's much more marketable to understand lower-poly modeling too (2.5k tris is actually really awesome to me because I just made a bunch of characters at 500 tris previous to this). If any of you have critiques about that idea, please say so! But also, please, critique this model.
C&C on all aspects of the model are greatly appreciated, but I'd especially love to hear from people regarding rigging this - do I have enough edge loops? Am I wasting edge loops where they aren't needed? Bad topology when rigging meshes has slaughtered me in other models I worked on, so I really want to make sure I won't want to die again when it comes time to rig this one too.
I'm also worried about having the marine's shoulder pads be completely separate geometry from his shoulders (as you can see in the last picture). Is this actually totally an acceptable practice? I keep thinking that when I actually get his shoulder and arms moving and not just in T-pose, setting up the shoulder pads that way will inevitably lead to massive clipping (or something else horrible). Anyhow, thanks for your time!
I have no experience with rigging though, I'm sure another one of these handsome devils will be happy to help you!
P.S. Marcus from Gears of War was 15 000 polys!