Hi. I've been working with the UDK lately found a thread that told me how to change my grid in Maya to match the UDK grid. This went great and now its a lot easier to throw together modular environments in Maya.
My problem is that I had to increase my max and min clip distance in each of the view ports to compensate for the increased draw distance. Now I still seem to be only able to select verticies that are within a certain distance.
If I marque select an object only closer verticies are selected while the further ones are not.
Any ideas fellas?
Everything I am selecting is within my clip plane so I don't know why It's not selecting.
Thanks for letting me know it only happens in the orthographic window though. It sucks to have to use perspective to select everything, but it's better than nothing.
If anyone else has this problem just add a "+1" to this thread. Maybe we can solve this if we work together.
Near Clip Plane - 0.01 For Exteme Closeness
Far Clip Plane - 100000 For Extreme Distance
You could always drag and drop this to a shelf, and initiate it on startup :-
NOTE : Will only work for the main 4 scene cameras, if you create new ones, or secondary perspective views, etc, these will have to be manually set.
in the categories, go to SETTINGS > SELECTION, see if you have CAMERA BASED SELECTION switched ON, this will cause the type of behaviour you mention, switch if off if it is. Save the PREFS then try it, see if this corrects your problem.
I still recommend initialising your cameras when you startup Maya as well, it all helps.
Sorry just posted what worked for me as I had the exact same problem -shrug-
You made my christmas SUNCHIRP. Thankyou.