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Games to play

Mike Porter
polycounter lvl 18
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Mike Porter polycounter lvl 18
Hello all,
I have been working as a 3DTutor in Auckland at Media Design School. The students just finished a mini-project, where in 4 weeks they created a game from scratch. 4 games, 4 groups, 4 weeks. As an added bonus, the tutors took one of the games and gave it a Christmas theme.

Along with our teaching and marking duties, the tutors had about 4 days to reskin and rework asylum runner.

Download and enjoy!


Corrected URL

Would love to hear feedback for the students.


  • killingpeople
    Offline / Send Message
    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    I think adding some screenshots of the game to the site would help get you more hits. Downloading now...
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Yeah I want to see some screen shots, and if there's only 4 games a brief description would be cool
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    I couldn't get the game to work. I'm using Win7, maybe hat has something to do with it? /shrug
  • Mike Porter
    Offline / Send Message
    Mike Porter polycounter lvl 18
    Hey guys,
    Thanks for the replies. The sign on the site was done by someone else and I have no control over that. I will have to check on Windows 7 to see if it runs, but I am pretty sure, XP and Vista are a go.

    Descriptions of the games:
    Freefalling game where you collect gears to get different beats.


    Your tiki mask has to keep all the evil totems from knocking your platforms down.


    Asylum Runner:
    An insane patient is running away from a ghost bear through an asylum.


    Bears of War:
    Old school style game with demons trying to kill Rambear and Hellbear.


    Dexter's Christmas Dash:
    Dexter the demeted elf has tried to steal presents for the last time and Santa is running him down.

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