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rejecting self destructive input

polycounter lvl 18
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John Warner polycounter lvl 18
Hey guys, we've all had the experience of being subjected to input that we don't want. I used to be the type of guy to self sacrifice and accept everything, just to keep the peace. I have fortunately snapped and am this way no longer.

I'm finding that my strategy for rejecting shitty input, however, is very primitive, simply because i've never done it before. in my gut, i feel like saying "fuck you! eat shit!" but obviously that's ridiculous, and not at all tactful. I also suspect that in my recent state, i may be more prone to see insults when none exist. maybe they do though. It's hard for me to tell right now.

SO lets say i come to you and say "that painting that you did of that warrior with an axe is okay for young people, but you should paint something more befitting of your age. do up a illustration of some nice people playing cards out by the beach or something like that -- something more mature"

and then you say -- ??

in my gut, i want to say "take your shitty opinion about what's mature and what's not and stuff it up your conservative unenlightened so-and-so. hows about I do what i want and you shut the fuck up?"

this does NOT help anything, i think. I would like a new strategy.


  • MALicivs
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    MALicivs polycounter lvl 15
    in that case, do what your gut tells you.
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    If someone came up to me and asked me that exact question, worded in that manner, I'd say the gloves are already loosened (calling me immature, basically coming in on his/her high horse). A tactful response, however, might go as such:

    "Blow me."

    Ok, maybe not. Possibly more along the lines of:

    "Immature as you might view it, I enjoy painting warriors with axes, and that's really the whole point of my doing art. Enjoyment (well, that and personal betterment, but that's besides the point for the moment). Ergo, I'll continue to paint warriors with axes, thank you very much."

    I'd probably still go with the former response, though, because let's face it, that's just a dick thing to say to you.
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    Its hard because you are dealing with subjective views at the end of the day. Views can be obscured by a perceived status that someone else has, and likewise has for you, but I agree sometimes people don't see what you're conveying and might disregard where you're coming from. It has as much to do with their view and your view, it shouldn't become personal though, because unlike a maths equation there is no right or wrong answer. Do what you must and stay true to yourself.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    SO lets say i come to you and say "that painting that you did of that warrior with an axe is okay for young people, but you should paint something more befitting of your age. do up a illustration of some nice people playing cards out by the beach or something like that -- something more mature"

    and then you say -- ??.
    And then don't do it.
    If they come back later, "Eh, I didn't feel like it".
    Throw in a shrug for extra effect.
    If they continue to bother you, then you tell them to go fuck themselves.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    If you want to see old people playing cards, paint away, but I wanna see people with axes!
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    @John: are you talking about a professional job situation or generally?
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    hey guys, thanks for the great input.

    I suppose just generally... but really this would be important in the work place too
  • cw
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    cw polycounter lvl 17
    Hi John,

    in general, I have a similar feeling as you. I am perhaps spiteful so I usually reply with something to remind the person that this doodling and painting and playing games is technically training for my job, and how is their shitty job designing kerb-stones going anyway, and what's that, I get paid more than you too, oh what a shame!? It's hard but trying to remember that being an artist is awesome and they probably have a much more boring life. In cases where this is not true its too hard to blag yourself, I guess then it is tough luck.

    That's what it comes down to for me, convincing myself that im having so much fun that they cannot possibly be serious! It sounds silly but somehow works, stops me from blowing up at people really badly. Mostly anyway.

    if it is in the workplace and the critique is unrequested or inappropriate then tell them so but nicely, if it continues yuo can go through channels to make it stop, but it's better to be straight with the people I find, they are probably trying to help in their own way. If you know for a fact they are being dicks then a straight up 'if I need your critique I will request it, thank you, good bye' would be fine I think.

    it's interesting to consider these situations objectively, i haven't done that before, it has helped me I think replying to this, so for that, thanks! :D
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    Generally when i'm told that I should draw things that are "Normal" or I should draw things that other people are interested in (for free, none-the-less) I usually just shrug and tell them that if they want to see it, they should draw it themselves instead of bothering me about it. Or, I draw it, but I make it very poorly, or vulgar. (I.E. I drew someone a Unicorn with a massive swollen cock, that was jizzing a rainbow)
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    Ok, heres a professional non-game industry related outlook i experienced. Its more to do with responsibility and renumeration above anything else though. 6 months into the job "we're moving to reorganise the place" ok, i still want the job "half of your job has been privatised" ok fair enough "you're now going to do half of the job that people who get paid 3 times more than you do" hmmmmm......can i get a slight raise "no" So i stuck at it a while longer and it was bleak, so i felt the time was right to pack my things and go.

    Maybe this is irrelevant but it comes down to what you accept as something you do. As a professional there is always a hierarchy and when you get paid to do something you do the job as it is. When the nature of the job changes beyond what you get paid to do, you ask for a raise. I still got a bonus 4 months after I left since I did a great job, but my psyche wouldn't allow me to continue.

    Pretty bizarre an argument I know. It was one person's view against another's.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    "Do I come to McDonald's and tell you how to do your job!"

    I think it's a good exercise to let people crit your work. Once in awhile you get a nugget of truth in all the bullshit. And Bullshit washes off right off, no need to get in s tizzy if someone tells you you orc look more like a Unicorn, and in their opinion you should really do something less fantasy- Homo -Vamperotica is where it is at man.
  • Firecracker197
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    Firecracker197 polycounter lvl 11
    I think usually when people give you feed back, they should stick more to telling you how you can improve on what you already have done, anyone that feels its their place to tell you what to do specifically that has nothing to do with what you wanted their opinion on in the first place can go to hell.

    Usually I find people who give opinions like this are people who have been put in the position where they can critique, but have no idea what they are doing. I got a lot of critiques like this from people who weren't artists, like the career service people at my school, they often told students to completely change their pieces, instead of telling them how to improve what they have, and their opinions were usually based on personal feelings and tastes. These critiques are usually pointless because if you listen to them, you only end up making that one person happy, and then the next person that comes along probably will have something else to say about it.

    In the end you have to remember its your work, think back to why you are doing it, and who you want to reach and impress, and take each persons opinion with a grain of salt and only choose to listen to the people who you personally feel are trying to help you. If you are a good artist and you have a good enough artistic sense you will know who to listen to and who to not.

    And as far as your response, just thank them for their opinion and tell them you will consider it. Then you have every right to consider it and not listen to it. Or ask them for a more specific critique on the art you have asked them to critique.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Hey guys, we've all had the experience of being subjected to input that we don't want. I used to be the type of guy to self sacrifice and accept everything, just to keep the peace. I have fortunately snapped and am this way no longer.

    I'm finding that my strategy for rejecting shitty input, however, is very primitive, simply because i've never done it before. in my gut, i feel like saying "fuck you! eat shit!" but obviously that's ridiculous, and not at all tactful. I also suspect that in my recent state, i may be more prone to see insults when none exist. maybe they do though. It's hard for me to tell right now.

    SO lets say i come to you and say "that painting that you did of that warrior with an axe is okay for young people, but you should paint something more befitting of your age. do up a illustration of some nice people playing cards out by the beach or something like that -- something more mature"

    and then you say -- ??

    I go with "no." That's a pretty solid conversation ender.

    If they ask why not, I follow up with "I don't want to." Problem solved!
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 17
    I recommend violence
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    I'm all about feedback relating to the quality of the artwork. The content of a piece is so subjective, any negative input from someone that disapproves is pretty easy to ignore.
  • Microneezia
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    Microneezia polycounter lvl 10
    I think as long as the feedback is polarized both ways, you are doing something right.
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    Split the difference. Nice people with battle axes on a beach.
  • Vrav
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    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    What I've found equally perplexing is when you show a digital painting to someone and they say "that's wonderful, you should paint it." :icon15: As if I hadn't just. But such is life; some people still think Photoshop is just for cropping pictures, I suppose.

    The topic reminds me of a life drawing teacher I once had. She couldn't draw, or at least I never saw her do anything but scribble horizontal lines on the chalkboard, and was quite round, sporting a silver mullet (this bit is important). She was insistent on bright colours being "immature," comparing pastel and any other bright colour to children with crayons; I can see the value of deeper, richer colours, but it was clear she was a fraud. I've probably told this story before, but oh well.

    As for how to respond to such idiocy, I say let your ego slide and just ignore them.
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    MattQ86 wrote: »
    Split the difference. Nice people with battle axes on a beach.

    Shit. Seconded.
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    In a work environment if this was coming from a superior or customer you keep your mouth shut and do what your told. Personal project I would ignore it. Honestly I don't see what the big deal is.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    If you disagree with someone's feedback, don't be a dick and tell them to fuck off. Just thank them for their feedback and move on.
  • MatthewS
    If they aren't someone you have to be respectful to then by all means tell them to stop rubbing their nose in your shit. On the other hand if you know the person or they are a good artist, then maybe you should ask them why they think you should do such a thing... then, if their answer still sucks, you can do what you want...

    Personally, I would just nod my head and say something along the lines of... that sounds absolutely boring, then laugh and say maybe when I'm 65 and there are no longer any beaches in the world.

    However, if its a job and your getting paid for it, then obviously you should do what your wallet says not what your ego says.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    I'm quite surprised at how berated most of your intentions are. Suggestions and input are just that. Even if they are subjective, don't apply or aren't helpful, why do you have to be a douche about it?

    Just tell them that you were trying to accomplish something different than what they suggested. Not exactly hard to figure out...
  • [Deleted User]
    Nothing good comes out of telling someone off for a crit, even if the crit was dodgy. The best revenge is success
  • rasmus
    Wait, since when does "Do something else" constitute a crit of what you ARE doing? I smell a non-issue
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Kaskad wrote: »
    Nothing good comes out of telling someone off for a crit, even if the crit was dodgy. The best revenge is success
    Yeah, Once you're successful you'll be able to hire a guy to slap them for you. Far more convenient.

    I find the term "duely noted" spoken in an entirely neutral tone does wonders for dissuading people from bugging you with inane comments.
  • bbob
    Cojax wrote: »
    In a work environment if this was coming from a superior or customer you keep your mouth shut and do what your told. Personal project I would ignore it. Honestly I don't see what the big deal is.

    You just wrote the exact sentence I felt like writing after reading the first couple of posts.

    Besides, everyone has a different idea of everything, why even let it insult you in the first place? Oh, and remember, this is someone taking their time to give you their opinion because you asked for it; if you do not like other peoples opinions, stop asking for it, or change your attitude.

    My $0.02
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10

    SO lets say i come to you and say "that painting that you did of that warrior with an axe is okay for young people, but you should paint something more befitting of your age. do up a illustration of some nice people playing cards out by the beach or something like that -- something more mature"

    Are you and your mature type people going to pay me the same amount of money the immature people pay me to do art they like?
  • SubPablo
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Well to be quite frank, people sitting on the beach playing cards doesn't sell well these days.

    Warriors swinging axes on the other hand, at this rate of growth will account for 90% of the world GDP within 20 years.
  • Disco Stu
    Well painting a warrior with a axe and calling it art is very tricky.
    Then again arts subjective so dealing with my opinion will be your problem.
  • TWilson
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    TWilson polycounter lvl 18
    that thread that you started of that artist with an critiques is okay for young people, but you should thread something more befitting of your age. do up a thread of some nice artists playing beer out by the boobs or something like that -- something more mature"
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    Tyler! why don't you -- okay, i can't swear at you.

    beer by the boobs? soooooo meet you at the Cecil tonight then? is that what you're saying?

    everyone's responces has been gold. thanks a bunch guys.

    I also got some really great input on an NLP forum, all the way accross the internet. i liked these answers:

    "thats an interesting way of looking at it" (this being a phrase that you can use to accept and reject input)


    I am always amazed when someone communicates with me in this manner because they are actually taking the time to tell me about their internal map and how they view the world.

    Also I tend to look for the positive in the communication from the other person and wonder what was the real message they wanted to give me and outcome they wanted to achieve and then ask myself did they get it? and did I?

    At the end of it all of you don't like the message someone is giving you you can say "Wow! that is awesome, thank you very much, I will take on board what you have just said" turn around walk away and as you walk off you will know that behind you they get smaller and smaller and you may even notice if you listen carefully that at a distance the voice they speak with changes until it sounds like daffy duck and as you keep walking away eventually it all just fades into the distance like smoke on the wind.

    and i very much like this :

    "Well, there's your problem right there! You're on the defensive, explaining yourself. You're playing their game. As soon as you start playing someone's game--the game for which they set the rules--you've lost, and you'll never win because that possibility isn't built into their rule set."
  • Snacuum
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    Snacuum polycounter lvl 9
    Regardless of how much one's opinion is different than yours, and how much you'd like to posit theory in your arguments against theirs, it is important to reply in a manner befitting the person who asked you.

    ""that painting that you did of that warrior with an axe is okay for young people, but you should paint something more befitting of your age. do up a illustration of some nice people playing cards out by the beach or something like that -- something more mature""

    This appears to be rather polite, constructive criticism based on that person's personal opinions. Saying 'fuck you swan' is inappropriate. A constructive objection would be better, "I disagree with your opinion of what is mature art and that my warrior with axe is definitely displays... *stuff about why your stuff is good*"
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    its worst when the person critiquing is standing over your shoulder stirring a cup if tea with a really aggressive teaspoon he made himself and is kind of tut tutting but not really saying anything.

    if this happens you are fully justified in turning around and stabbing him in the eye with your wacom pen
    This is particularly relevant if he says something like' i am going to need you to go ahead and change that'
    Any other form of critique or criticism is cool:)
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    Hey guys, we've all had the experience of being subjected to input that we don't want. I used to be the type of guy to self sacrifice and accept everything, just to keep the peace. I have fortunately snapped and am this way no longer.

    I'm finding that my strategy for rejecting shitty input, however, is very primitive, simply because i've never done it before. in my gut, i feel like saying "fuck you! eat shit!" but obviously that's ridiculous, and not at all tactful. I also suspect that in my recent state, i may be more prone to see insults when none exist. maybe they do though. It's hard for me to tell right now.

    SO lets say i come to you and say "that painting that you did of that warrior with an axe is okay for young people, but you should paint something more befitting of your age. do up a illustration of some nice people playing cards out by the beach or something like that -- something more mature"

    and then you say -- ??

    in my gut, i want to say "take your shitty opinion about what's mature and what's not and stuff it up your conservative unenlightened so-and-so. hows about I do what i want and you shut the fuck up?"

    this does NOT help anything, i think. I would like a new strategy.

    Seriously, you worked like at Relic or something right, plus you're a published indie dev? And shit like that actually still matters to you? I used to get it from my highschool art teacher 7 years ago, and it was like the last time I gave a fuck.
  • TWilson
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    TWilson polycounter lvl 18
    Tyler! why don't you -- okay, i can't swear at you.

    beer by the boobs? soooooo meet you at the Cecil tonight then? is that what you're saying?

    I hear the Penthouse has Ho Ho Hoe's!
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 17
    whats so immature about a warrior with an axe? i mean metal guys alsways have that stuff around, and as long as it looks kickass theres no problem

    this changes though if the art has a given topic (which i kinda find immature, in the meaning of .. cmon lets paint envy and if you dont get what i think should represent envy then you're a dick[michael jackson voice])

    but its all matter of respect, if the one critisizing the art of the artist doesnt respect the artist, the critique is always bad and otehrwise the critique is worthless to the artist
    so the people should at least know eachother and have a neutral relationship, so the critique might be focussed on the artwork itself and not the artist, and the artist is more likely to take the critique

    (please tell me if im telling crap)
  • StephenVyas
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    StephenVyas polycounter lvl 18
    Hey guys, we've all had the experience of being subjected to input that we don't want. I used to be the type of guy to self sacrifice and accept everything, just to keep the peace. I have fortunately snapped and am this way no longer.

    I'm finding that my strategy for rejecting shitty input, however, is very primitive, simply because i've never done it before. in my gut, i feel like saying "fuck you! eat shit!" but obviously that's ridiculous, and not at all tactful. I also suspect that in my recent state, i may be more prone to see insults when none exist. maybe they do though. It's hard for me to tell right now.

    SO lets say i come to you and say "that painting that you did of that warrior with an axe is okay for young people, but you should paint something more befitting of your age. do up a illustration of some nice people playing cards out by the beach or something like that -- something more mature"

    and then you say -- ??
    ....... I would like a new strategy.

    Sure man, give this strategy a shot sometime, because it's worked for me in the past

    One tool for handling a situation like this would be
    1-To agree with what their saying
    avoid building a wall... THEN....
    2-Direct their guidance to be more helpful for what your currently doing....

    Everyone loves to be helpful and feel useful..
    Soo I say let them, because they've obviously taken time to give some advice in the first place without asking for it.

    If you'd like to, you could say.. 'yeah your right, the painting is a bit immature, but it actually is targeted for young people [Try to avoid rolling your eyes as you say this to them] .. Can you think of how I can make it more appealing for them?'
    Being sincere about it, and using 'Their Words' might change the outcome of the encounter.

    Sometimes, people are unconsciously blunt and come off as being rude, but give them a chance and you might be surprised at actually getting something good out of the situation :)
  • Zwebbie
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    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    This guy spent three years of his life painting an axe warrior.

    In Roman times, the axe was used by the bodyguards of high magistrates and served as a symbol of power, justice and the republic. They went on to conquer the world.

    Then came along the Franks, who were so badass that they threw axes. They went on to become the largest Western European power after the diminishing of the Roman Empire.
    That axeman on the painting in the first link is Charles Martel, Frankish Mayor of the Palace, who in 732 stopped the Moorish invasion of Europe dead in its tracks and preserved christianity and culture.

    The rods on the side in this picture are axes. Can you argue with Abraham Lincoln?

    In short, I'm all for drawing mature stuff, but card playing never created and maintained Western European civilisation.

    Edit: though it did lead to the popularity of the sandwich.
  • Mark Dygert
    Really not sure what all the crying over axemen is about... so I'll skip it and answer the OP.

    Both sides just need to love it or leave it. If you agree great, if not just leave it. No use slugging it out and trying to force the other person to see your POV. When giving critiques just state it, and maybe clarify it if the person misses the point but don't belabor it.

    It's their call not yours, and they can make all the mistakes they want at least you where kind enough to raise a flag. If they want to respectfully continue down that path who cares.

    When getting critiques emotionally disconnect from your art and look at it objectionably.
    Maybe sit on it for a day and come back to it before submitting it I suggest factoring that time into your schedule. For me there is always something to fix I just might not see it when I've been zoomed in working on it for a few hours.
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 17
    mature drawing is a very vague expression

    this is mature too
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    I usually say something like "My god, it must absolutely suck to be fossilized and out of touch with what's current, and popular".

    Then absolutely slaughter their suggestion of what's cool as being completely irrelevant boring, and stupid.

    (Yes I've said this to my parents).

  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    ya'll are far too attached to your art.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    aesir wrote: »
    ya'll are fa art s.

    te he he
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    haha Per. cute.

    t4paN wrote: »
    Seriously, you worked like at Relic or something right, plus you're a published indie dev? And shit like that actually still matters to you? I used to get it from my highschool art teacher 7 years ago, and it was like the last time I gave a fuck.

    As a matter of fact, i used to be fantastic at accepting critique.. in fact, up until very recently, i used to THRIVE on self deconstruction... you could even ask my old art director at relic. apparently i used to freak him out a bit, because when he came in to give me critqiues, i went crazy encouraging him to tear down my work, when he expected this BIG EGO to navigate around.

    ANYWAY -- this isn't really about art for me, it's about abuse. the inciting indecent that made me write this post was being disrespected and condescended to by an old bitch who was 3 times my age at a party the other night. I wrote this out in art terms cuz i'm on an art forum.. oh, and if i wasn't open to critqiue, i wouldn't be posting here.

    you see, I used to be very willing to destroy myself and accept ALL contrasting points of view, so that i could grow and change. Now, I've grown a lot, and I feel like it's about time i started sharing what i've built. Now a days, I'd much rather enter into some sort of intelligent discourse with someone who challenges me.. not to back down and run, or see from their point of view, but to meet them. "here's me. it's in contrast with you. lets put our heads together." -- sometimes that causes friction... but i SO dont want to just smile and nod and ignore what the person says -- that's sort of ignoring the value that they have to offer.

    obviously a working situation is different, especialy when you're taking direction. that's all about being willing to be flexible.

    anyway the challenge for me here is that i've never really ASSERTED myself in a forceful way, so lately i'm tending to see attacks coming in from like all fucking angles. It's starting to look like what i'm looking for is some way to take abuse and disrepsect, establish my boundary, and tell the person my values, so that we can have a discussion on that basis.. but me just ignoring my values to accept what ever that person says.. that's bullshit, and it doesn't help anyone.
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    oh, and as far as immaturity goes... I think you should do what you want.

    cept for like child porn. and stuff.
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 17
    write it down and just stare at it until it makes sence, thats what i do when get critisized
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    If you disagree with someone's feedback, don't be a dick and tell them to fuck off. Just thank them for their feedback and move on.

    if u want to be a smartass but still retain a measure of respect to your critic, keep asking them why until they blow up.

    its ugly!
    i dont know i dont like it!
    i dont like this green color
    i dont know

    critic over.

    truth is, if someone can't explain why something is wrong or is not working (which can be translated to mathematical equations) - and u can't see it for urself - its a moot critic.
  • bounchfx
    shotgun wrote: »
    truth is, if someone can't explain why something is wrong or is not working (which can be translated to mathematical equations) - and u can't see it for urself - its a moot critic.

    I don't think this is always applicable. Sometimes people just have trouble explaining 'why' it looks bad/wrong/weird, it doesn't mean there's no potential issue with the piece/art/clothing/anything being critiqued/judged.
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