Hey fellas. I've been trying to handpaint some textures lately and decided to put together a small scene (3,5k polys) to show them off.
All textures are painted from scratch. In this scene I just use diffuse, no spec (lol) or normals. The textures are sitting at a whopping 5x512 but I can probably squeeze them in on a single 1024.
merry xmas and hugs!
DarthNater: thanks Darth. I'll pop some warm lantern glows in there
Devin Busha: Alright, thanks. I'll fix em!
GoK: Thanks for the comment and crit Gok, I like the space ships you've been doing lately by the way!
here's a wip for the new floor,
not quite satisfied. too desaturated?
Saint Seiya Lost Canvas ... ^^
myles - yupyup, thank for the comment!
crashoveride - I dont get the reference
I was fixing my ground tiles yesterday but since I have the computer on the floor and it has this nice little shelf cut in the front, which is an excellent area to rest your feet on when working. Unfortunately this shelf is also inhabited by a small reset button and while toying around with my toes while dumbly painting away I managed to turn the computer off before I managed to save any textures I'd done during the day
and so, because I couldnt ass myself to spend another 2 hours on the same texture, here's another texture I did for the exterior of the scene. Again, handpainted from scratch.
the whole thing!
I don't know if this is off topic but i have some sites saved.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwnIz-2Xyh4&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fboards.polycount.net%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D41232%26page%3D108&feature=player_embedded thats from JFletcher
theres also this tut of making ice.
also textureing Florpf by JFletcher. it has 5 parts.
and im sure there's more
Micah aka Spikes15
roosterMAP: you should check out the dominance war winners blog, he's got a couple of videos of him painting a girl. I think he's called slipgate central or something on the intrawebz.
Micah: yup, Jfletchers good!
MightyPea: I agree.
Dont mind the fence it's just a placeholder for scale.
the grass texture i like, tho would be nicer to see it on some more interesting terrain with some lighting, the full bright hurts it
Jackablade: yeah, you're right about that. I fixed it in this version I think.
Rhinokey: agreed, Rhino. I'm not very good at lighting my scenes in realtime though . I'll see if I can dig up some info on lighting on teh google.
here's the stone again (x4) with some moss. Tried to get some colours going.
Sirdelita, thanks for the comment. I fixed the floor in this scene. Got some wierd pixelation going on at the tiles though.
I too appreciate the spiffy look of the bricks.
ZacD - I agree, I didnt change much in it texture and modelwise though besides the engine. Just removed one wall and extended the bricks some
more.. and tweaked the lights... thanks for the love
frell - Sure, I just slap some browns/oranges (or whatever colour you want) down, paint the fibres and then detail it up. As in my concepts I try to block everything out as early as I can. Paint with the largest brush possible for the stroke you are about to make, for example, if you are going to lay down a large flat colour then use a large brush and make a single stroke instead of making several small ones. Your paintings will be much cleaner that way. Think about the shapes you need to finish the painting/texture and start work your way down from the largest possible to the smallest (large>small). I might make a tutorial when I find the time. Glad you liked my stuff
roosterMAP - Thanks Roostah! They've got some rad textures in wow. can't wait to see what they cook up for the SC2 ingame cutscenes and their nextgen mmo!
griffinax - Thanks man!
felipefrango - Yeah I know, I'm thinking of how I'll make them pop. The floor alone brought up my scene from modest 3500 triangles to a whopping 5.2k. I'm afraid that if I break up the wood too much I'll land around 10k. And I want to keep it fairly low poly. Thanks for the crit, I'll look into the wood.
Here's a gui I made ;o also handpainted. I'm not sure if it fits superwell for a third person/first person view.
As the the wood I really don't know whayt you could do to improve it while using just a few polys. Maybe hanging some sort of prop on the wall, but that might differ from your intention entirely. You could try adding some detail to the texture, some wear and tear on the individual planks, something like this: