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Upgrade suggestions

polycounter lvl 11
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LEViATHAN polycounter lvl 11
Recently got an HD4650 after my old card got fried, but I cannot get it to work on this rig (which is by now almost 6 years old), so I'm considering ripping out all of the ancient guts out of this rig and put in some new gear, just need suggestions on what to get. I'm by no means a "hardcore" gamer, nor am I interested in doing really high-poly works, so I'm basically looking for a medium-spec system for shits and giggles.

Current setup:

AMD Athlon 2800+
1024 MB DDR1 (!)
GeForce 7600GS (dead)
Asus A7N8X-X mobo
320 GB HDD (I think ATA)


Don't need a new case, monitor, mouse, keyboard or psu. Just need a new mobo/ram/cpu kit (maybe a new HDD as well). Don't have a fixed budget for this, but please keep it as low as possible, as I am a poor man. :\


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