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windows 7 64bit workflow announces.

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malcolm polycount sponsor
We're upgrading to windows 7 64bit at work and immediately after doing the switch I've noticed some holes in my workflow. Does anyone have a solution to the following?

1. SOLVED install sage thumbs http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?t=746 and mystic thumbs
Can't see .dds thumbnails in windows explorer

2. SOLVED install places bar http://www.askvg.com/placesbar-edito...ws-and-office/
Is there a way to add shortcuts to the windows open menu on the left hand side when selecting file open from standard applications, I had a program in xp to do this.

3. Is there a way to save .dds files directly out of photoshop 64bit.

4. Is there a way to disable preselection highlighting without going to windows classic mode, it screws me up when selecting multiple files.

5. SOLVED press alt + up arrow, I also found this nifty app but it ended up breaking functionality in perforce and safari http://mavisapps.com/download/
Is there an up one directory button, clicking the address bar is annoying.

6. SOLVED install sage thumbs http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?t=746
Can't see .tga thumbnails in windows exploere.

7. SOLVED right click on the icon in the links bar go to properties>shortcut>advanced>run as administrator
How can I remove the security warning every time I click a shortcut in the quick launch/links bar


  • Ben Apuna
    I use MysticThumbs to see various thumbnails in 64bit Vista, it should work for windows 7 as well. Not sure about the rest of the stuff, sorry.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    5. Is there an up one directory button, clicking the address bar is annoying.
    just hit Backspace - that will go 1 folder hierarchy up, always remove those icons
    Use mouse button 4 + 5 (every decent mouse has that) to move forward and back in the folder structure.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Ben Apuna, I tried mystic thumbs before I posted this I don't think it works in windows 7 64bit.

    renderhjs, sorry dude back space doesn't go a directory up, it didn't do that in xp either it goes one back in the history which is not helpful unless you actually happened to be one directory up right before hand.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    no thats not correct, whenever you press this button within a folder window
    you go ONE folder up, not back or anything else - its 1 folder up. Same for most Linux IDE's and I believe also in MacOs but I am not certain for the mac.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Reder, ever tried Vista? It's been like that for q while I think

    Or maybe they fixed it in a patch already?

    I think the workaround is alt-up
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    well never used Vista so didn't knew that then - but it was always there and still is in XP as thats the OS I am working everywhere with.
    That truly sucks, I use it all the time
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Yeah I just tested it in XP it's fine so yes it's a Vista/Sevenz thing. Maaaaan whenever you will switch (if you ever do!!) be prepared for a lot of little things like that hehe. Especially in Explorer (doesn't remember view settings, doesnt remember categories like Date Modified and such, a pain to stri pdown visually, the list goes on...)

    Malcom, I feel your pain. Regarding icons/thumbnails ... I personally ended up giving up on them completley, be it for Vista and everything else now. I know it sucks but I found that not worrying about it is less painful than having to hunt the web for solutions. Wich is kinda sad in a way becuase I remember some nice XP days at previous places when it was so nice and easy to just open a texture and go!

    Same for the open directory feature - I just en up putting a collection of links on my desktop. That way when I want to navigate i hit backspace (!) multiple times until it reaches the Desktop and work my way from there.

    Hope this helps ...
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    as for the desktop thing what I always do is hitting [win]+[r] (run command) and then type "desktop" it will open the desktop folder. If you did it a few times before already you most likely just have to type and use the autocompletion.
    Same for the url navigation, just hit F6 to jump to it and enter "desktop" and hit enter. Another way is to hit [win]+[D] to jump to the desktop screen.
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    FAT_CAP polycounter lvl 18
    pior wrote: »
    (doesn't remember view settings, doesnt remember categories like Date Modified and such, a pain to stri pdown visually, the list goes on...)

    Oh man - I hav erecently made the switch to Vista and this was SUCH a pain. It seems like such a small thing but working with multiple file types, folders and needing to switch between checking reference pics (thumbnails) and selecting files (detail view> Date Modified) it really got frustrating.

    I finally managed to sort it out by a few registry edits - I can send you the details if you are still having problems with this?

    @Ben Apuna - Thanks for the MysticThumbs link - I'm gonna give it a whirl now :)
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    Ah, so backspace is one folder UP? I never used it because I always thought it was a "go back" button. good! :)
  • reeks
    @Ben Apuna Thanks here as well for the MysticThumbs link. Works a treat here at the studio (Vista 64). Will try it on Win7x64 tonight.

    @Pior .. Ahh the "better" features of old software that get shoved under the carpet in upgrades. The one I miss most (to this day!) is Photoshops old way of minimising images. That was way back in Photoshop 2 (not CS2!) and I've been wishing for it to come back with every iteration.. it used to minimise them to Thumbnails, but now it just minimises to title bars. Not the smartest way to improve an interface designed for visual creatives. Ah well, praying for CS5 to have this new feature.
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    out of curiousity, what app do you use for point 2?
    malcolm wrote: »
    We're upgrading to windows 7 64bit at work and immediately after doing the switch I've noticed some holes in my workflow. Does anyone have a solution to the following?

    1. Can't see .dds thumbnails in windows explorer

    2. Is there a way to add shortcuts to the windows open menu on the left hand side when selecting file open from standard applications, I had a program in xp to do this.

    3. Is there a way to save .dds files directly out of photoshop 64bit.

    4. Is there a way to disable preselection highlighting without going to windows classic mode, it screws me up when selecting multiple files.

    5. Is there an up one directory button, clicking the address bar is annoying.

    6. Can't see .tga thumbnails in windows exploere.
  • disanski
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    disanski polycounter lvl 14
    Adjusting the view settings every single time in Vista is the worst thing for me. I never asked if that could be fixed somehow but it always bothered me soooo much. Is it like this in Win 7 ? I am currently thinking about switching from vista to 7.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Disanski, I cannot say I am 100% sure but I *think* the problem is still here in 7. I think I overheard this at the office but I could be wrong. I wouldnt be surprised at all tho :P

    FatCap yeah I'd take the regedits please! We've been hunting for solutions with the IT guy at work but nothing worked so far ...

    Johnny, not exactly the same but I used to use Directfolders for that kind of effect. Not the exact same is it is more of a custom popup thing but still very much worth looking into. Not sure about Vista/7/x64 compatibility tho (the reason why I stopped using it indeed - didnt want to bother hunting for compatibility hacks)
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    FAT_CAP polycounter lvl 18
    @Pior - It looks like I deleted all the pages I had bookmarked trying to fix the folder view but the registry additions can be downloaded from:




    I then had to setup all my "master" folder types again. It seems like A LOT of people have this problem and various fixes seem to work for various people - I know I tried a few different fixes before I finally got the folder views to stick. Hope this helps!

    Oh yeah - DirectFolders does work in Vista 64 - I have been using it for a while and its a great little time saving app.
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    hmm nice one guys, i will check out directfolders! cheers!
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    MysticThumbs works fine on 7 64bit here.

    As for DDS support, that's just Nvidia's fault. I fail to understand why they decided to stop supporting plugins for a format they invented...
  • vik
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    vik polycounter lvl 13
    Total commander, you`re all welcome
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    You need to reboot after installing MysticThumbs to get it to work in Win 7.

    Direct Folders is a great little program that should help with no. 2 if i understand correctly.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Pior, alt + up arrow does indeed go up one directory thanks that's helpful.

    JohnnyRaptor, I'm using maya, photoshop, whatever really. In xp I could install an app that let's me set favorites for the common windows open dialogue and jump directly to our perforce structure for textures or scenes, still looking for that feature in windows 7.

    What's the point of mystic thumbs if you can't see dds?

    Ark direct folders seems obsolete in windows 7 you can just add any number of folders directly to the left pane of windows explorer same as the mac. But this still doesn't solve the problem of file>open>fail in every other app such as maya. Since the window that pops up is not customizable but does have favourites it's lame you can't add your own to the left pane in this dialogue? Weird they would support it in explorer but then omit it from the open dialogue.
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Ahh i see what you mean.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    DDS thumbnails came with Nvidia stuff as far as I remember.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    It's funny to think that somewhere on the Microsoft campus, in a nice office with stainless steel furniture, sits someone officially in charge of managing the development of explorer.exe.

    The guy must be the subject of running jokes and pranks haha
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    I found the answer to number 2 which was the one that was annoying me the most. Check it out I find this tool to be a huge time saver open 3d files or textures since I can just go open in photoshop and jump right down to our nested texture directory root.

  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    You can actually do that through editing the Windows registry too, you don't actually need a tool to do it.

    There is also a tool like DirectFolders but totally freeware:

    Also the Windows 7 thing not saving the folder view settings really kills me. How can that have got through QA for two releases!? It just doesn't appear to work at all!

    And I hate not having backspace as the "up a level" key, I have the back button on my mouse if I want to go back, ALT + Up is just an awkward key combination that you need two hands to do properly - backspace only needed one. No idea why they changed that, the XP behaviour was fine...
  • ablaine
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    ablaine polycounter lvl 14
    There aren't any working plug ins for photoshop cs4 to allow us to view/edit *.dds images in it, are there?
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Mop I'm too frightened of fucking up the registry at work and incurring the rath of our it guy for something I shouldn't really be messing around with.

    New announce, I've put a photoshop shortcut on the task bar and every time I click it it pops up the useless security warning asking me to click okay. What the fuck is the point of that?

    ablaine not in 64bit photoshop 32bit photoshop works fine.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Number 5 is solved by this app that costs 5 bucks. Please let me know if anyone finds a free version otherwise I'm dropping the 5 bucks on this as it works great.

  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    thats so wrong asking money for something like that. It should be free - can't be that much of code or work involved in it.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    yeah malcolm that warning this is super annoying. pops up every time i open max at work due to custom tools. should have the ability to warn you once when a program is changed and remember that instead of every time you open it.

    worst thing about vista was not remember things like date modified. srsly wtf is with that. possibley the most commenly used tab and they remove it from there and you cannot get it to ever save? not to mention all the little flag things they have there are 100% worthless like Raiting? what a load of trash, who has ever "rated" a file?
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah I've been looking for a way to turn that off per application - there must be a way. I get the warning for about 3 separate apps and it's incredibly annoying. I know it's not compatible, I know it works, I want to run it anyway!

    It's possible that setting the compatibility mode of the shortcut to Windows XP or something will get rid of the warning, I haven't tried it yet, will give it a shot tonight.
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    FAT_CAP polycounter lvl 18
    Autocon wrote: »
    worst thing about vista was not remember things like date modified. srsly wtf is with that. possibley the most commenly used tab and they remove it from there and you cannot get it to ever save?

    You can get it to behave like versions <XP - check my post to Pior about it on the last page. I spend ages wading through forums with people having the same problem and various workarounda worked for various people but I posted the two pages/ reg fixes which helped for me. Apparently this was fixed for some people in Vista SP2 but not for me - I still had to go through the regedit changes. There will no doubt be a similar fix for Windows 7 if you scout around for it a bit.

    Now it's working though and fingers crossed it stays that way!
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    The warnings can be desactivated in windows 7. It's similar to xp to me, i'm kinda happy with it. Btw, max has crashed (as usual) and i think i hit "repair" or smthing. Then max was totally unstable, crashing every 20 sec, weird graphic bugs. I coudn't do anything. I had to reinstall windows 7 because reinstalling max wasn't enough. I really don't know where it comes from, so don't click repair when a soft crashes ^^

    also, this might be useful
    it supports some more picture formats for thumbnails preview.
    dno yet if dds thumbnails viewer from nvidia works on windows7
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Noors, if you can disable the warning could you please post the how to steps since it is annoying many people that are using windows 7.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Malcolm, the only way to do it appears to be to turn off UAC (User Account Control).
    There's an overview here:

    I'm sure it should be possible to set exceptions per shortcut/program, but I haven't found a way yet :(
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    I set that slider uac slider bar to zero the second I got windows 7 still doesn't prevent items on the task bar/links bar from popping up the warning.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Weird, I just set that, and my stuff starts up fine without the warning.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Mop are you using the new mac like task bar thing or are you using the links menu which used to be called the quick launch from windows xp I'm using quick launch and have the issue there but not on the task bar thing.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Found the fix for # 1. Sage thumbs lets you see .dds files in windows 7 64bit.

  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Found the fix mop, right click on the icon in the links bar go to properties>shortcut>advanced>run as administrator no more annoying security warning.
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 17
    Does someone knows an easy way to access to the ”Recycle Bin” from the window explorer? I'm tired to click on the desktop icon every time for that....
    I'm using the window classic mode...

    Also some shortcuts I found with Google :)


    I’m pretty fan of the extra zoom option when asking my wife to translate Kanji... also the half mode screen when you drop your app on the left or right side of the screen!!

    Except the Recycle-bin thing W7-64b is a good one ! :D
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    I was looking to clean up the navigation pane in the save dialog. Scrolling to the bottom to get TO my computer got old fast. I like the favorites section, should be easier to manage than having quick links in previous windows versions.

    I also remember a time where the back button on my mouse always went up one folder, I'd love to know how to get that back.
  • Jet_Pilot
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    Jet_Pilot polycounter lvl 10
    3. install the Nvidia normal map plug-in, and that should allow you to save out .dds's
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    Ok, found a solution to the UAC popup when opening applications. Haven't been using it long now, but it does the trick.
  • Michael Knubben
  • Eric Chadwick
    malcolm wrote: »
    2. SOLVED install places bar http://www.askvg.com/placesbar-edito...ws-and-office/
    Is there a way to add shortcuts to the windows open menu on the left hand side when selecting file open from standard applications, I had a program in xp to do this.

    Your link's broken, I think it's this one? I prefer Direct Folders though, it's much more compact and easier to edit. And I can access it in ANY file dialog using middle-click, or the shortcut-header thing it adds to every dialog.
    malcolm wrote: »
    3. Is there a way to save .dds files directly out of photoshop 64bit.
    Have you tried this one?
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    I just did the alt up trick on Win 7. Never knew about it. Thanks Render and pior
  • Numerator
    Jet_Pilot wrote: »
    3. install the Nvidia normal map plug-in, and that should allow you to save out .dds's

    The NVIDIA plugins currently do not work with 64 bit versions of Photoshop, but I read that they are going to recompile them and post them soon.


    "Please keep an eye out for it on developer.nvidia.com in the coming weeks. "

    This was six or so weeks ago.
  • Elyaradine
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    Elyaradine polycounter lvl 11
    SageThumbs claims to allow you to view PSDs too, but when I installed it, the PSD thumbnails don't show up. The SageThumbs context menu option doesn't show up either. Anyone know how to fix that?

    [edit] Refreshed a few times, and found a short while later that some of my PSDs were displaying correctly while others weren't. And that some of the thumbnails were showing up as black blocks. Seems to work perfectly on my home PC though, so I'm a little confused.
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    If u have Maya installed you could use fcheck to save an image out as dds.
    Not sure if there are fcheck commands that will match all the formating options the photoshop DXT plug-in has.
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