Hey, I realise this is a general computer problem but it also applies to 3Dsmax display.
I'm getting alot of screen tearing on everything. My nvidia control panel is set to : (9600gt 512mb)
Res - 1680x1050 - 60hz
AA -16x
AA -Override any app
Pre rendered frames - 3
TF - Clamp
tf - Qaulity
Trilinear Opt - Auto
(important stuff ) - Vsync is on! and Triple buffering is on.
I'm getting it in Max aswell. In fast paced videos too. It's getting really annoying. The thing is, I never used to have this before.
Because I can. And taking that off will not fix the problem.
If your running max 2010 you can enable AA from the app itself.
Come on, I need some help -.- it's really REALLY annoying.
-Ark, I can even set everything to "Let app decide" and it still like that.
I dunno if I mentioned before but...IT'S EVERYWHERE : ( on my desktop and everything.
As far as I know, there is no "turn off screen tearing" checkbox in the Nvidia control panel. So you're gonna have to try some different things out. What are your vertical sync settings, this can also cause screen tearing when vertical sync is turned off.
EDIT: Oops I saw that vsync is turned on, sorry I don't know what else to suggest.
Yup, I've tried everything.
How about, "Well thank you for taking the time to post, but I've already tried that and it doesn't work". A little social grace goes a long way.
and it might seem obvious but have you checked the cables you could very well have a damaged or loose cable to your monitor.
and curious have your tried with v-sync off or triple buffering off. I honestly only use them when im playing certain games, 95% of the time leaving them off looks fine.
It's not just games. It's everything. Even when I move my windows about I get it.
What version of Windows are you on?
I'd suggest nuking your display drivers (I KNOW you've said you've got the newest ones, but they might have been corrupted or had a bad install). Reinstalling the newest ones, and then reinstalling DirectX. I had this problem previously, and those steps fixed it for me.
Also, Taylor, be civil to other posters or you'll find yourself on the receiving end of an infraction.
Is it possible that nvidia's control panel setting only applies to D3D, and you're seeing tearing in OpenGL apps?
I recommend trying a third-party control panel, such as RivaTuner. (http://downloads.guru3d.com/RivaTuner-v2.24c-download-163.html)
Another (unrelated) idea: Try changing your monitor's refresh rate, in windows' control panel. That might help the problem.
Running out of options aren't we?
The Omega installer uses a few different settings than nvidia's. There's not really any reason to expect it to solve the problem, but it's probably worth trying.
Also it might be the power supply not being able to deal with the card.
I've had this card for ages and it's never done this before. And as I said, I tried 75hz and lower res but it's still there. As much screen tearing as 60hz 1680x1050
edit - anything under my res (which is my native res - 1680x1050) looks...pretty bad.
Lowered the screen res and changed to 75hz and also 70hz and it's still the same as my native 1680x1050 and 60hz
Let me just explain a little more. It's not really games... it's pretty much on everywindow. I know you all know what screen tearing is but I think this is pretty serious. When I move windows quite quickly...lets just say it's very...noticable :S It's like this too if I scroll on images and pan in max.
can't be bothered to read it all again and forgot if it has been mentioned.
Go see if you can enable it in the nvidia control panel. If it is already enabled I'm not sure what the problem would be.
Sorry I haven't read all of the replies in here if you already checked.
Yes, but make sure you switch your monitor cable to the onboard output too :P
I've had a microwave about 20 feet from my PC for years. It just started making my PC go nuts in the past few months and I had to move it.
I don't have it on all the time aswell so..idk
Altho it isn't on it's like ....25 centimeters from my pc xD
Yes it helped, but I don't think your TV would be doing it unless it was on. If I had to guess, I'd say its the card going bad...
lol fail. skimmed too fast, sorry.