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Barrel - Like that aint been done before

Hey, this is my 'real' thread at PC, so hi :)

Just thought i would post a wip of my barrel that i am making for a friend's game.

Basically, he wanted a semi-cartoonish model, and this is how far i have got. If i am honest, i think that the maps i have on now sort of kill the slight cartoon feel that it had. So i may just go and tone them down or remove them.

The model comes in at 218 poly's which was around what i aimed for.

The texture is still WIP, i have almost completed the wood i would say, but the rest like the top and horizontal bars i am still working on.



  • mathes
    The thing I noticed at first glance was the lid and how deep it is. Almost looks like the top of a pop can.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Textures wise... Not sure whats going on, it looks like you went for cartoon style colours and texture but with next gen (READ: UE3, Crysis etc) style rendering. Theres nothing wrong with that, but the final result comes over muddled. It may also be your light setup. Can you post the d/s/n flats? Also textures wise, I spot what looks like odd normals on your metal loops. They almost look like you had a scratch layer from the edges, but then it looks now more like a "weld" because it bumps out rather than in slighty... Would I be correct in saying you didn't make a High Poly for this and instead of Crazy Bumped/nVidia filtered the whole thing...?

    Also, I spot a few smoothing issues on the inside lid, and I agree, its slightly too deep.
  • Asteric
    Thanks for the feedback!

    I think that the problem you mentioned is caused by the really bad and quick normal map i made, but don't worry, i am working on that.

    I will take what both of you have said into account and make amends.

    Here is a quick and dirty scanline render with diffuse only.

  • renderhjs
    Offline / Send Message
    renderhjs sublime tool
    thats like modeling a cube or sphere- where is the challenge ? Give it at least a spin make something out of the ordinary - be a real artist and not some 3d monkey slave.

    How about a nazi barrel with lots of emblems and a sense of danger. Or a beer barrel with some pipes on it to serve the beer, or a super futuristic barrel of the distant future with plasma and or electronic security mechanics - just make something that stands on your own feet.

    And I am not going to comment on the barrel itself because I think its boring as hell.
  • dolemite

    Scanline render is kind of lame, use screengrabs. Also, render onto grey background not black or white. Also, try not to paint light info (highlights) into the diffuse.

    It would be neat tho, to see a donkeykong style barrel like this done next gen. Take it to the next level and model out the boards and metel in highpoly, rather than painting in normals. Painting normals is teh gayxor.
  • Asteric
    Thanks for more crits. I do 90% use either marmoset or max screen grabs but i was in a rush.

    The reason its a simple and boring barrel was because the guy i was making it for wanted a specific style, and was not sure exactly what he wanted, so ti decided to make a 5 minute modelled prop purely for the texturing side, so he could identify exactly what style he wanted.

    I think however that i will redo this, it will be good practice.

    Oh, and dont get caught up on the belief that i can only make boring barrels, my modelling is much better, lol.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    You know, its just come to my attention that after so many years of modelling and texturing I've *NEVER* done a wooden barrel... I think I need to fix this...
  • Rhinokey
    Offline / Send Message
    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    i have modeled heaps of wooden barrels over the years in several different styles,, my main (but not only) issue with your barrel is the inch thick black lines betweent he boards, as a general rule black should be used rarely when shading your textures. here is a barrel i've done recenltly with the texture sheet http://www.tmhunt.com/pics/techs_mechs/tnt_barrel.jpg i know its a different style, but basic things stay the sames, board should be tight together, try some color variations to keep it from being so monotone. and most importantly keep at it.
  • System
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    System admin
    hey Asteric, the barrel looks pretty cool but the wood is a bit too saturated and there looks like there's some colour noise added in there. Yes, please change the background to grey to see the silhouette.

    edit: Rhinokey, didn't you make a thread on this :polytwitch:
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