So i just started working on a new scene where i want to add like some kind of dynamic element. I'm not sure which one will have the best impact so i just did quick wips of two different possible layouts, one with c4 randomly placed all over the walls with det cord connecting them, or a second one with large plastic barrels filled with explosives like those used in car bombs. This scene is far from done but I'm just trying to settle on an idea before moving forward. Any other ideas are always appreciated and very very welcome on this one lol.
Dont Mind the MS Paint Drawn in lines lol
I don't really like the barrels. If you wanted to just kill people in the hallway, that is way to much explosive. If you wanted to bring the whole building down, placing the barrels like that wouldn't make any difference.
Interesting shape corridor... i like it, and i also like the doorway... especially above.
pyromania- Yeah i think im going to use the bags instead of the barrels, gives it a organic feel to a very straight angled environment.
Willburforce- Yeah i liked the way the c4 looked it just seemed really small and when i looked at it i wasn't like oh shit, thats going to be a huge explosion. I did add some super over sized artillery round that im going to turn into ied's. An thanks for the comment on the shape of the hall, i was working a little from a ref image of a train station tunnel in London somewhere.
dudealan2001- Yeah i see what your saying and SWAT did have some sweet traps. I guess what i was trying to go for was, this is a tunnel/hallway that is kind of forgot about "hence the graffiti everywhere" and so these terrorist have a small window of time to place all this explosive so that they can destroy the hall and whatever might be above "street,building, whatever' thats kind of the energy im trying to give off.
pyromania- haha Ive been to that site like 50 times since i started this project, and yes the reference on that site is awesome. I feel like im on some watch list tho now because all i have been searching for is IEDs and like how to make bombs lol.
Less is more sometimes. I'd be more interested in making the scene look cool, given the work you have so far.. than being "believable in a massive explosion" kinda way. Is this set in 2010?
IMHO sometimes looking cool and different > Believable.... half of gamers wont care mid action when lusting over their Kill:Ddeath ratio. Obviously, depends if this if for rainbow six or COD type realism.... and whether you are part of a team that has a design.... or just working on your own.
I... would love to see the end result... and think...
"It's a corridor with a trap.... but I never seen it presented quite like that before.... bookmark pic for inspiration folder" You know?
Keep at it. .. update looks like a better idea than the barrels
I do have a point somwhere
Shiraz- Yeah i understand what you mean, i feel the same way right now about there being no real point of reference. Im going to be adding the detonator which will go on the floor and replace that square in the foreground. Im hoping that might give a better scale because its going to involve like a walkie talkie or cellphone all wired up.
Sampson- Yeah the bags are really over-sized right now, guess im trying to just go for more of what looks better as a composition at this point. I know in games sometimes you need to exaggerate to make thinks stand out a little more and tell the player like oohh, those are bad. Ill play around with them, more that likely they will be reduced at least a little before its all said and done.
Willburforce- Yeah i think you understand what im going for a little bit more with the look cool > super realistic. Now im a big fan of a more real style i just think sometimes you can end up with a much more impressive shock when you kind of take it over the top a little bit and help fill out the over all composition of the image your trying to get.
Hopefully as this scene progresses i can get a better balance between real and game art real.
In terms of lighting, I quite liked that the furthest room was more well-lit than the closest one in previous images, it gave the piece some depth.
I also feel that your normalmaps lack some depth, or at least something to make them stand out. As it stands, when I opened the thread I thought this was a hl2 level. That's not meant as an insult, and there's certainly nothing wrong with something looking like hl2, even these days, but if you're using more technology than that, make it evident!
Finally, --and I feel it's almost cliched to point it out-- this looks like a scene that would normally have a lot more grime in corners. I'm getting an abandoned building/basement/pedestrian-tunnel kind of feeling from this, and the abscence of dirt clashes with the quite rampant graffiti.
edit: looking at your website, I found out that your resume is much bigger than it's being displayed as, making it both slow to load and much more aliased than it should be! Should be an easy fix, and saves you from the wrath of impatient HR staff
edit 2!:
Also, you've misspelled 'material editor', and it's sort of weird that you'd say you only know Zbrush 3.1, now that 3.5 is out. I don't think you need to specify, really.
As for the website lol. Ive just put it back online last night, so everything you say, or i should say lack there of was what i did at 3am lol. An thank you for pointing out the misspell. Hopefully within a day or two i should have the grim added and work with the lighting some. Thanks again and comments and critques are always welcome.