Hi guys,
I'm going to record some small videos for IC.Shape and I'd like to avoid the full post processing work after each record session to overlay images showing what modifier keys where pressed.
Quite a long time ago I saw some tutorials which had on top a bar depicting current keystrokes and mouse button pressed, but I cannot figure out what software was that. I've been googling this all the morning with a certain frustration, as I found this awesome free
key-mon... for linux only... It does exactly what I'm looking for.
Do you know any software to do the job? Detecting mouse clicks isn't mandatory.
I think that was in the Headus UVlayout tutorials.
I think it's a widget called kbstate: Mouse and Keyboard Actions. I can't find out anything more than that. Something to do with an Ubuntu applet.
Yep. I think you're right. It isn't pretty, but does the job... on linux! Oh damn! How do win users do this? *frustration growing*
I was looking for something like this too and this thread popped up in my search. Nice little tool, free, and even handles thumb button input. Though it doesn't seem to register mousewheel, despite those features being listed in the ini file.