T ome it looks like a mish mash of low poly work and ultra low poly work, almost as if you couldn't decide which way to go. You are using around 200 tris just for the central round part, yet you feel the need to make the handles simple flat planes? If it was me I would drop it down to 12 slices in the central round section and then use a 3 sided cylinder for the handles (or maybe 4, it wont hurt), that would make the overall polycount match up for the piece imo.
I'm not sure what type of topology would provide the minimum amount of tris in the model. What are some ways I can reach a certain level of detail with minimum amount of tris? Parts like the blade or the central cylinder area had me stumped a bit.
would depend on how close you got, if it was fps view then nah i'd keep it thick at the top, if it stayed about as big as the ref shot you posted then ya i owuld use alpha
It will be played on the iPhone and is seen in FP. But when the gun is not in use, it will lay on the ground flat and sometimes float upright above the ground. Depends on the map.
It will be played on the iPhone and is seen in FP. But when the gun is not in use, it will lay on the ground flat and sometimes float upright above the ground. Depends on the map.
First of all... LEGAL?
Second of all, I would STRONGLY suggest making two models, one very low poly for the world model and one medium poly with *what you can't see removed* for the view weapon. See Quake 2 for this as an old example that did it well.
weird,,,, it seems weird that microsoft would alow this.. dont microsoft still have ownership on halo? i mean.. microsoft.. iphone.. not really the superhero team up of the century
you posted at same time i did. ya looks muvh better. if the game gets done and is not lawsuited to hell, i want my name in the credits for you using my cylinder idea.
Ok. I don't thing microsoft would want to mess with something that is on a mac. Also, microsoft is not entitled to Halo anymore I believe.
Microsoft OWNS Halo... Besides it makes ZERO difference, because unless you are licences to put it on iPhone, it won't get anywhere... In fact, I can 100% see this being shut down the second anybody gets wind of it at Microsoft. Remember Halo DS? That started out as a mod project for Goldeneye DS, and they shut that down, and hell that was really, really good. Do you honestly think Microsoft wont go after somebody abusing their biggest gaming IP...?
Common sense, and a little Google work, should have told you this project will be shut down before it makes a dime, hell, before its even released into the wild.
Right, now I've got the "I'm an arse" section out of the way, lets see the UV. Even if it does get shut down its nice to know where you are going wrong with work. With the iPhone I would imagine spec wise its something like a DS or PSP, in which case the lower you can get your stuff without a loss in quality, the better. I would be aiming for a 128x128 texture for the weapon, maybe even a 256x128, with a 64x64 or there abouts for the world model. Don't waste resources... I can already see you ignored what I said about making two models, one for world and one for the view... But if you really don't care about that, then fine, be my guest, waste polygons in the view. As you can see, the unwrap turned into quite a mess. I would start by seeing what you can mirror and where, while keeping pixel density the same or as close as possible. With this being in the view, the last thing you want is something being all inconsistent texture wise. Don't be too scared to use multiple UV's either. If you split this into two, maybe even three textures, you could likely halve your overall used unwrap space, which on a handheld means more texture memory to play with for other things. Again, this isn't next gen spec, so dont worry about making sure edge A meets edge B "because they do on the model". For example, the back lower blade has its side mapped and then the top of it mapped directly onto the blade (where is the bottom?), but you could move the top away to give more room to play with other things.
UV mapping is like eggs in a basket, you want as many eggs in there are possible without any of them breaking, otherwise you got's no dinner for the next month So, mess with rotation and scale, and I'm sure you will fit them all in much better.
what are the squares at the end of the barrel for?
He's probably going to alpha a circle over the front to make the front of the barrel look more rounded.
Which would be a really bad idea, especially since this is going to be seen in FPV and they will never see the front of the barrel. You really need to create a separate world-view mesh.
I know you're just copying a Halo design, but how the hell does anyone even hold this gun? It has no handle?
Also I find the (il)legality of your project hilarious.
...I was wondering when someone was going to bring that up.
How in the hell do you use this weapon? I can't even hardly tell what it does.
It's an alien weapon from the halo series that fires grenades that explode on impact. You hold the centre of the the circular piece on the side with one hand, and the other hand holds the handle at the top.
here's a link to site that you should consult should you have any other questions about anything.
Yeah I would be surpised if you DONT run into some copywrite problems with either Bungie or Microsoft. You might want to talk to them because you could be see some court papers pretty soon if you dont.
Common sense, and a little Google work, should have told you this project will be shut down before it makes a dime, hell, before its even released into the wild.
With how that gun is held, I'd say you really ought to re-vise it so that you can only see the top/front of it (for the FPV model). For the world model you'd really want to cut this down to a much lower triangle count. Consider how large it would be on the screen at average distance - right now you probably have at least 100 more triangles than this would take up pixels on the screen.
For yall saying the UV map is bad and it needs to be better and isnt good, i dont know if you're trolling or being sincere. The UV map seems fine, texture it and move on Plus, its kind of impossible to see if the UV map is actually ok, since there isnt a corresponding image showing how you distributed texture resolution :poly141: From a quick glance, the blade may be too small!
Learn and improve on the next model- no need to beat yourself up over a lil bruteshot
For yall saying the UV map is bad and it needs to be better and isnt good, i dont know if you're trolling or being sincere. The UV map seems fine, texture it and move on Plus, its kind of impossible to see if the UV map is actually ok, since there isnt a corresponding image showing how you distributed texture resolution :poly141: From a quick glance, the blade may be too small!
Learn and improve on the next model- no need to beat yourself up over a lil bruteshot
I totally disagree on this. You don't need a texture to see if a unwrap could be better, you can clearly see hes not usiong 30% at least of his canvas. On a low poly mesh, thats quite poor, as the more he packs it in, the more resolution he has to play with.
we dont even know, and by now we (or at least I) dont even care. If you are that scared then you may leave. But also keep in mind apple says jailbreaking is illegal but look at how much they have done so far. And we havent got any notices from microsoft and we are pretty well known, we're one of the top sites if you google "iHalo" and theres a lot of youtube vids also.
but again, you can leave if you are unsure.
That says nothing nothing... "one of the top sites on google if you type iHalo"...
Wow... Thats like saying:
"We are one of the top sites on google if you type our web address in, who would think!"
Just because the legal guys haven't stepped in, it doesn't mean they wont at a later date. Comparing jailbreaking, something a user does per system, to a GAME that rips off an IP, is something else, lol. That dev team sounds like one of those "I MADE A QUACK 3 SHOTGUN YAYA" mod teams that doesn't really know what its doing, but just knows it has an idea and wants to roll with it.
Why not just make a few changes, and make iFirstPersonGame, replacing the name of course.
EDIT: To be perfectly honest, I would finish the piece up and have it as a show piece for yourself. No harm in that at all, as long as you dont release it in a game and give full credit to Bungie.
EDIT2: Its an Quake 1 mod I see... That explains the dev team thinking they are above the law. But I was curious about this "one of the top... on google" things and noticed there is another iHalo game, same name too, on the iPhone, much better looking (although likely with stolen assets). Whats that about...?
EDIT3: Doh... The other iHalo is just a site for Halo resources hence why it looks so close to Halo... Because it is Halo OMGAH!!
legal depts often wait till the last minute to fox, because no sense wasting time sending out notices untill you believe that the project has a chance of being finished. since theres about a 90% chance things like this will never reach completiion
Another thing. You think Microsoft doesn't have rights to Halo? What? Who does then? It is their IP. You ever hear of 343 Industries? Microsofts Halo Studio? I don't think they would have that unless they still owned Halo. So good luck with the lawsuit or the cease and desist that will surely come your way in the near future if you continue this.
I'm not sure if this is going to be a paid or free app... but if it's a free app I don't really think any harm will come of it. Heck, I'd look at it as free advertising. But if it's going to be a paid app then uh... that's pretty illegal.
As for the model, it seems good to me, but for some reason it looks a little stubby
I hate to beat a dead horse, BUT! Microsoft wouldn't be worried about this from a money perspective. There is no competition.
What they will worry about is quality control, making sure that their beloved and cash cow of an ip is done exactly how they want. So regardless if money is ever involved, they would shut this down because they have no control of how it may/may not turn out, and image is everything.
With that said, go for it! If that is what you want to do. But when that Cease and Desist order comes through (and it may) don't be mad when you can't show your work anymore.
I was going to post that picture yesterday but then I thought to myself "You know what, someone else will do it for me" and I have not been disappointed. It warms my heart to see the internet functioning properly. Perhaps there is some hope for humanity after all.
First of all... LEGAL?
Second of all, I would STRONGLY suggest making two models, one very low poly for the world model and one medium poly with *what you can't see removed* for the view weapon. See Quake 2 for this as an old example that did it well.
Not sure really.
you posted at same time i did. ya looks muvh better. if the game gets done and is not lawsuited to hell, i want my name in the credits for you using my cylinder idea.
If it's low poly I'm assuming you'll be using a small texture as well. You don't want to waste any of that texture space.
Microsoft OWNS Halo... Besides it makes ZERO difference, because unless you are licences to put it on iPhone, it won't get anywhere... In fact, I can 100% see this being shut down the second anybody gets wind of it at Microsoft. Remember Halo DS? That started out as a mod project for Goldeneye DS, and they shut that down, and hell that was really, really good. Do you honestly think Microsoft wont go after somebody abusing their biggest gaming IP...?
Common sense, and a little Google work, should have told you this project will be shut down before it makes a dime, hell, before its even released into the wild.
Right, now I've got the "I'm an arse" section out of the way, lets see the UV. Even if it does get shut down its nice to know where you are going wrong with work. With the iPhone I would imagine spec wise its something like a DS or PSP, in which case the lower you can get your stuff without a loss in quality, the better. I would be aiming for a 128x128 texture for the weapon, maybe even a 256x128, with a 64x64 or there abouts for the world model. Don't waste resources... I can already see you ignored what I said about making two models, one for world and one for the view... But if you really don't care about that, then fine, be my guest, waste polygons in the view. As you can see, the unwrap turned into quite a mess. I would start by seeing what you can mirror and where, while keeping pixel density the same or as close as possible. With this being in the view, the last thing you want is something being all inconsistent texture wise. Don't be too scared to use multiple UV's either. If you split this into two, maybe even three textures, you could likely halve your overall used unwrap space, which on a handheld means more texture memory to play with for other things. Again, this isn't next gen spec, so dont worry about making sure edge A meets edge B "because they do on the model". For example, the back lower blade has its side mapped and then the top of it mapped directly onto the blade (where is the bottom?), but you could move the top away to give more room to play with other things.
UV mapping is like eggs in a basket, you want as many eggs in there are possible without any of them breaking, otherwise you got's no dinner for the next month
He's probably going to alpha a circle over the front to make the front of the barrel look more rounded.
Which would be a really bad idea, especially since this is going to be seen in FPV and they will never see the front of the barrel. You really need to create a separate world-view mesh.
I know you're just copying a Halo design, but how the hell does anyone even hold this gun? It has no handle?
Also I find the (il)legality of your project hilarious.
How in the hell do you use this weapon? I can't even hardly tell what it does.
It's an alien weapon from the halo series that fires grenades that explode on impact. You hold the centre of the the circular piece on the side with one hand, and the other hand holds the handle at the top.
here's a link to site that you should consult should you have any other questions about anything.
Shot from the hip.
This doesn't affect anything, by the way.
With how that gun is held, I'd say you really ought to re-vise it so that you can only see the top/front of it (for the FPV model). For the world model you'd really want to cut this down to a much lower triangle count. Consider how large it would be on the screen at average distance - right now you probably have at least 100 more triangles than this would take up pixels on the screen.
Learn and improve on the next model- no need to beat yourself up over a lil bruteshot
I totally disagree on this. You don't need a texture to see if a unwrap could be better, you can clearly see hes not usiong 30% at least of his canvas. On a low poly mesh, thats quite poor, as the more he packs it in, the more resolution he has to play with.
Wow... Thats like saying:
"We are one of the top sites on google if you type our web address in, who would think!"
Just because the legal guys haven't stepped in, it doesn't mean they wont at a later date. Comparing jailbreaking, something a user does per system, to a GAME that rips off an IP, is something else, lol. That dev team sounds like one of those "I MADE A QUACK 3 SHOTGUN YAYA" mod teams that doesn't really know what its doing, but just knows it has an idea and wants to roll with it.
Why not just make a few changes, and make iFirstPersonGame, replacing the name of course.
EDIT: To be perfectly honest, I would finish the piece up and have it as a show piece for yourself. No harm in that at all, as long as you dont release it in a game and give full credit to Bungie.
EDIT2: Its an Quake 1 mod I see... That explains the dev team thinking they are above the law. But I was curious about this "one of the top... on google" things and noticed there is another iHalo game, same name too, on the iPhone, much better looking (although likely with stolen assets). Whats that about...?
EDIT3: Doh... The other iHalo is just a site for Halo resources hence why it looks so close to Halo... Because it is Halo OMGAH!!
Another thing. You think Microsoft doesn't have rights to Halo? What? Who does then? It is their IP. You ever hear of 343 Industries? Microsofts Halo Studio? I don't think they would have that unless they still owned Halo. So good luck with the lawsuit or the cease and desist that will surely come your way in the near future if you continue this.
As for the model, it seems good to me, but for some reason it looks a little stubby
What they will worry about is quality control, making sure that their beloved and cash cow of an ip is done exactly how they want. So regardless if money is ever involved, they would shut this down because they have no control of how it may/may not turn out, and image is everything.
With that said, go for it! If that is what you want to do. But when that Cease and Desist order comes through (and it may) don't be mad when you can't show your work anymore.
The Chrono Trigger Remake comes to mind when you talk of this. [ame]