They're being carried through from the front of the butt of the gun. Their purpose is for an extruded in area from the front, where a lock mechanism sits. I have a bit of cleanup to do in that area.
Brought this thing back from the graveyard. Few clay renders. Still plenty to do, and I can't wait to do a NEW piece...thought it'd be a good idea to finish this off even if it's a few years old.
If anyone has this model of Nail Gun (BN200A) kicking around in their garage. I'd love you long time
to snap some high res pics of it from various angles. Ref on the internet is pretty low res.
still. good work
They're being carried through from the front of the butt of the gun. Their purpose is for an extruded in area from the front, where a lock mechanism sits. I have a bit of cleanup to do in that area.
If anyone has this model of Nail Gun (BN200A) kicking around in their garage. I'd love you long time
to snap some high res pics of it from various angles. Ref on the internet is pretty low res.