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Cartoony House

After seeing several Fantasy MMORPG remakes, I decided to try kind of a cartoony fantasy style building...

20 minutes so far, still need some more windows....



  • Pbcrazy
    Offline / Send Message

    I believe I'm done tweaking, next step is UV...
  • Mazvix
    Offline / Send Message
    Hey man,

    glad to hear you are inspired, but the house is a bit simple at the moment. Stylize it more, do not be afraid to break or bend some rules. Not everything in RL is perfect or imperfect- there is a balance. Ask yourself if this is worth your valuable time, or is it going to be just another house.

    Forgive me if I may sound critical, Just trying to give a hand. Have fun with it- go wild!
  • Pbcrazy
    Offline / Send Message
    Well, I've been keeping it simple, because I have just recently gotten back into 3D and am trying to relearn Modo. So I'm keeping it relatively simple so that I won't have to hard of a time trying to UV it.

    That being said, any ideas as to what I could do more? I'm thinking de-symmetrize it, and I have a couple ideas of some other props i want to add around it...
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