changed the title cause i'm gettin away from just barrel
also a heap of other barrel related props, made this prototyping the enviro art style of Techs Mechs, all pieces are 200 polys or way bellow that, it all uses one 256 texture.
still gotta work on the gold a bit i guess, not all that happy with it.
Looks great! Careful you don't lose the stylisation by pushing the gold too much, while I too agree it needs changing a little, it's not far off!
ps: I thought the gold was potatoes lol, doesn't really look like gold, imo if you made them rectangular bars and added some nearly white streaks it would be easier to tell. By the way, this may be of some use?
Oh, ok, thought that this was just going to use diffuse textures, no specular was mentioned. Seems you don't have much to worry about now
gorgeous stuff otherwise though. really fantastic.
Either can be used for demolitions, and T.N.T takes up less texture space
Nice layout and texture re-use Rhino. Will look good once you get the spec and such tweaked on it, maybe a particle effect with the in game gold assets to make them really sparkle.
worked on a prototype of how i want to do the rocks, may not be the final style. this pic is just one rock cloned a lot, in game it would be much more varried.
more liek teh view of the game
However ... be prepared for a Poop paintover transforming them all into a field of penis heads. Just sayin'.
still a bit blurry as i'm blocking in shapes with planes
here is the angle it will be seen in game, and a wireframe
well done!
here it is in game with simple lighting, this is the camera of our game at the momment
i tried changing the subject to "techs mechs art prototype thread" since i've xpanded it past just
exploding barrels.
I love the style, keep going..
I changed the title for you. Still no idea why users can't do that for their own threads, it used to be possible in the old boards software...