Please don't tell me Im the only max user that has a problem with the uv relax tool crashing max with the click of a mouse. I understand that its probably because its a potentially complex calculation, but is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening that I don't know about?
did that and it failed, and the topology couldnt be messed up because I tested it on a freaking plain.
But turns out I just need to restart my computer and its working again :poly142:
I am trying to streamline my max UV workflow these days (always been a max user but I find maya's unified approach to be much cleaner than a stack for this very one scenario) and relax did some strange things to me too.
I once had a face that was inverted, but at the same time attached to a bunch that weren't. Had to retopologize to get rid of it.
Might also want to show us the object.
I'll try that next time, and the object well was litterally a plane, I was trying to make a simple sign for a lowpoly scene I'm working on, when I went to unwrap it I used relax to get the correct proportions and poof it was gone, closed without even a warning.
I always try and clean up my workflow as much as I can, each project Im trying something new to keep the file clean. I use good modeling practices and I dont f-around with stuff to much. It just seems like this damn tool is so buggy and I hate it, but sure enough all I needed was a restart - so stupid.
Do you have a screenshot of the topology by any chance? You peaked my interest :P
ok here you go
again its just a PLANE
this instance was just a quirk I think, its too bad I can recreate it now, because restarting the comp fixed the problem.
Computers, they never work huh
Maybe more ram would help? If you had many things running at once....
Yeah, I guess working on the computer for the past 4 days straight without turning it off is bound to create some sort of crazyness. But that seems to be the answer to all my problems "more ram."
Makes no sense, I know.
Let me know if that works for you
edit: Ah, I see, the issue's solved itself? Well, if it happens agian, see if this does the trick
What sucks, is that I was capturing the process for a tutorial and that the previous 3-4 hours of unwrapping went fine. It really seems to be random when your Max decides it doesn't want to Relax
That's what I'm running, and aside from pushing my luck with massive scenes, I've never had a crash I didn't see coming.
I thought you said 2009 was shit, and 8 or 9 was [tonythetiger]greeeaaaat[/tonythetiger]?
All of them have random issues on different pc's sadly. 2009 (32 or 64, doesn't really matter) both worked pretty well for me, but not noticeably better than 2008, for instance. And I had this relax-crashing in all of them, I'm pretty sure.
the pelt mapping on the other hand...
a good reformat usually sorts out alot of problems. if not then its issues with hardware or drivers, or maybe those dam ghosts don't want to stop haunting you
I would reformat but Im scared
I`m on 3dsmax 2009 64bit btw.
Hope it helps!
Alternatively run this maxscript in the maxscript listener: maybe it can give you some info on what might be wrong because I highly suspect a wrong table for the UV, smoothing or vertex groups.
Works a treat, I was starting to lose a clump or 2 of hair :poly121: